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Everything posted by cabowabo

  1. 15 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said: EXACT same story for my son. He's one year ahead of yours, living on west campus, and loving it. Tyler is a weird town. I've only been up there twice. Piney woods is kind of cool. I wanted him to go to Tech or LSU because you are just not going to get the full college experience at a place like UT Tyler. No football or greek life. My most memorable year of college was my freshman year. Of course, that involved a lot of drinking, driving back to the Castilian and having to walk the garage the next morning looking for my car, and other risky debauchery. Maybe it's a good thing he's at Tyler. He'll be a little more mature when he ends up in Austin.
  2. My son graduated from HS in May and is now in the CAP program at UT Tyler. Because of his HS rank, he was offered UTEP or UT Tyler as his CAP options. He got into Tech and LSU, and I told him he should just go to Tech, but he really wants to end up at UT, so off to UT Tyler he went in August. He took a couple of online courses this summer and got two A's, so started off on the right foot. If he has at least a 3.20 after 30 hours at Tyler, he is automatically accepted to UT. So, just needs B's (and nothing lower of course) from here on out and he'll be in Austin next year. Another another note, paying for college sucks Donkey balls.
  3. I'm sure the Biden administration will give him a heroes welcome when he arrives back to his beloved country.
  4. I have a Bren 805. Cool gun, but heavy.
  5. Why the fuck are we hit and running with Maldonado? Absolutely inexcusable idiocy.
  6. Really knocking the cover off the ball.
  7. He looks like he’s sweating grease from his swollen face.
  8. What the fuck are you doing Jose. Just idiotic.
  9. What the fuck are you swinging at Yanier? He’s not throwing a strike at 0 - 2.
  10. If we can't win the division, I'd rather stay right where we are and play Minnesota instead of the Rays. If we beat Minnesota, then we'd open the ALDS at the Rangers on October 7. If that was a night game, that would make for a helluva day in Dallas. There would be a game on Sunday at the Rangers too, and Monday is a holiday.
  11. Verlander let his nuts hang tonight.
  12. Don't those stupid fucks get tired of booing?
  13. Let’s not get cute here Dusty. Verlander pitches the 9th.
  14. What an epic collapse and choke job. Does anyone in here actually want us to make the playoffs? I sure as fuck don’t.
  15. No excuse for leaving him in this game. He’s throwing batting practice.
  16. Hearing a few boo birds. Much deserved.
  17. At least Hunter looks cool on the mound with that sweet ass sleeve tattoo.
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