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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ZB'Tejas

  1. https://www.redfin.com/TX/Austin/908-Juniper-St-78702/home/31048135 Whew... and a townhouse close by just went under contract for $515 a sqft!
  2. I might have heard it on Clubhouse but there was something about everyone that owns a Genesis horse could eventually have some sort of ownership of the platform. I'm not sure if it was royalties of what but they talked about Genesis horse owners benefiting from that long term.
  3. Her comment when they asked her about running for mayor was funny. I really didn't realize it was her until the end since I missed the first part but she's not all wrong either despite the distaste for her on Surly. The people voted and yet the majority of the council don't care for the outcome so are trying to do something different. Regardless, it does seem like it's shaping up to be a disaster over the next few months.
  4. A Z9 was $125 Z8 ~$350 Z7 - $650 Then on up to around $37K for a Z1
  5. For now, I think I'm going to just sit tight with my WETH and try and get a Genesis on the next drop. I tried last Friday but it was always bought by the time I got there but hopefully they fix the issue of people just giving their links away.
  6. Let me know if you hear back because I have a MetaMask but need to associate it with my already created Zed account.
  7. Can you transfer WETH to WETH? As in if I setup a new stable with my MetaMask can I send my WETH there?
  8. And don't create a Zed account with your email initially or it creates an email wallet not the metamask wallet. If you do it that way I don't think you can buy on OpenSea at least that's where I'm stuck
  9. They are going head to head... loser gets bred
  10. Is that not the primary makeup of West Austin? Putting all camps in East Austin would be just another example of the city marginalizing that area and would be a real bad look. Are they going away from the plan on putting a camp in each district? I think at a min they should start by putting it at the HD and other city owned areas but even in East Austin there are not a ton of open areas not near residential. I'm not sure how you put a camp in the middle of some residential area without extreme backlash.
  11. RM started out strong but no luck. Paul Scholes is a beast!
  12. The fact that you can turn this into additional revenue streams is so game changing. I'm sure TS and Topps might follow with some fantasy game but right now I wish I have skipped TS and just bought horses. And when I heard them talk on Clubhouse about long term potential, owning racetracks, etc. Pretty cool. I can't wait to tell my wife I'm quitting my normal job to become a digital horse stable owner
  13. Remaining genesis horses to be dropped. They announced they would have another drop for affected users that didn’t get a chance at a horse but I heard that was for people that got a incorrect link. Not sure if I’m included but if I have the chance at least I still have my WETh. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. For those that missed there were only a few Rare players that would be immediately profitable. I got Keldon Johnson and will sell once he is in the active challenge. My wife got a fucking Jeff Green and although he is in an active challenge it would still only sell for $80. I'm down considerably thanks to doing the Seeing Stars Challenges so may sit on some S1s for now and hold the trash until the trade tickets become more clear. But If I could sell it all and get out near even I probably would. I just don't see much coming that will take this market back up to Feb highs anytime soon.
  15. If I could package everything up and list I'd be tempted to and just take that money elsewhere. I don't think TS is going anywhere but it's a long time before Nov and Series 3 so I don't see how we don't continue to slide at least a little more.
  16. I have a metamask but similar my Zed account was setup via email not connected to the metamask. Disappointing you can connect after the fact because that would mean I would need to convert back to ETH and move it back to the metamask before opening a new account or buying on 3rd party site. What a cluster, I guess I will potentially wait for a new drop then. Says $375 in fees to move $550 in WETH!
  17. When you have it converted to WETH in Zed can you use that balance to buy on OpenSea or do you have to convert?
  18. Do a few of you still have WETH sitting ready? The fees are astronomical for converting back to ETH so I'm just going to sit on it for now but what are our choices? Can I move WETH to fund our racing? Just wait for another drop?
  19. So essentially a 50% shot to get the rare pack this afternoon. I'll be in line but there is nothing that exciting about this pack for me. Likely you can flip the rare for at least $250 making your money plus some and then just sit on the other commons for trade tickets. I'm not sure what to make of TS at this point. I sold a MPJ 1st moment for $1200 and bought the Luka 3 point winner as I think that's more iconic but all my LBJ moments are in the shitter so maybe all I should do is hold and hope for a playoff bump. I could try and sell off more stuff to get a few more high end S1s but think I'll just get killed in fees and have to undercut just to get it sold. The only thing moving right now are active challenge moments it seems.
  20. I’ll take a 10% stake in Red Bull. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/discord/invite/CertifiablySurly/ Here is the Discord invite. You can download the app or do it on a browser but tbh I forget what I needed to fill out to finally get access.
  22. I did get my link and finally got the page to come up with horse but had the same experience where by the time I got the the last step the horse was purchased. I tried a ton but no luck. @Nice Guy Eddie, I have a funded WETH Zed account now so before I transfer back I might just use that to move over for my share of the horse(s). But at least send me your Venmo account so I can transfer over for RM. Btw, my link still works but unfortunately the only horses available are min Z3 15K ones. Might need to pool some serious money to get that one.
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