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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ZB'Tejas

  1. I was told $AMY would make us rich
  2. Nice. What browser did you use? I tried on Safari but it took at least 13 min for any horse to load and when I finally did get to clock on one the buy button didn’t work and it all froze up. Never loaded again after that so I got nada. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Z1 - $36,900 Z2 - $19,538 Z3 - $13,602 Z4 - $6,432 Z5 - $3,809 Z6 - $1,509 Z7 - $623 Z8 - $330 Z9 - $205 Z10 - $123 Saw this on the Discord so not sure if last drop prices or confirmed for this one. Had enough in my WETH account for a 7 last drop but only an 8 this one.
  4. Brutal, just logged on to Zed and my WETH balance is way lower than the last time. Horse prices were in USD if I remember so buying power will be less this round.
  5. I'm in Wave 2 as well. Tried last time but was beat out by the bots as each horse I liked on was already bought. Let's hope it's more smooth today.
  6. Not doing a remodel on the whole thing so I think that's the price on the rooms he is remodeling and inclusive of a big yard project/pool (so yes missing context). Point being price might end up being 3x what he was originally discussing a year and a half ago.
  7. RM always knows to give us a win every now and then so we don't sell to the glue factory
  8. Each party had had time in office to fix if they so desired. All the politicians benefit from this so I don't think anyone really wants it differently. Plus think of all the big accounting firms that would be in trouble if we simplified the tax codes.
  9. Have a friend doing a remodel that was originally estimated for $350 a sqft now looking at close to $1000
  10. $OTRK is in the rumor mill of a highly shorted retail play. Popped about 25% yesterday so hoping to see that follow through today.
  11. I may try and grab one on the drop since I still have my WETH in my account. But with ETH so beaten down not sure how much I can buy.
  12. The dick sucking part comes after you sell and then take the profits to the Rose... In all seriousness, I really don't understand the massive rise other to say the NFT bubble is real. Unlike TopShot this has not popped yet however one would think it would as new entrants don't immediately get 15x returns and just start dumping for the next project. That's where I made mistakes in TopShot... trying to actually collect versus seeing the boom and just selling to take advantage of the new entrants (greater fools). If you do buy and hold I guess just go for the most scarce pieces. Some Ultra Rare unicorn that I had the opportunity to buy months ago is selling min $900. Topps baseball so far seems to have a much better collector base as the barrier to entry is much harder so for now I will continue to hold. That and I've accumulated some of the best cards of the best players so if TS is any indication the market for those still exists.
  13. Why TLRY versus some of the others out there? I'm still holding SNDL and OGI in hopes we get a good bump and I can exit.
  14. So what this person is talking about is around 30% more than I think it's actually worth so not sure I would miss out on really significant growth for the remainder of the year. This would be taking advantage of no inventory. Not going to do that... If I do entertain this I would rent in central Austin for 1-2 years while I look around and then buy something in a slightly different neighborhood (for a school track). I'm leaning toward no as it would be a lot easier to put 50K in my house to get it where I want versus all the moving around but damn it's hard not to at least listen.
  15. Is this central Austin market going to slow down in the next few years? I have a realtor friend with some out of state clients looking and potentially willing to pay a crazy amount for my house. I realize I'd have no where to go right now so I could rent for now (would be a pain with 2 small kids) but them have a lot of cash on hand to use when something comes up in the next few years. Problem is my house is great and with just some reno work I think we would be perfectly happy. But on the flip side having all cash that I can get something that already has the extra space sure sounds tempting.
  16. No, summer in Maine is about a 3 week period in August. I went for a week a few years back and really enjoyed it. Portland is a nice town with restaurants and some solid breweries, Kennebunkport very nice and scenic and everywhere has all the twin lobster and lobster rolls you can stand.
  17. Red Bull with some moves tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Anyone buying anything on Veve? I just listed a Stay Puff Marshmallow man for $200 and it was purchased within seconds. (bought it for like $15 a few months ago!) I guess I should list stuff on Auction to maximize.
  19. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Went back in my TD history and saw that I closed my 500 shares of AMC just above break even at $7! lol
  21. Maybe it wasn't called surge pricing but you never knew what price you were paying until the trip was over. Even in NY I felt there was inconsistency in pricing and overall it was really high compared to when Uber came out. Other than standard pricing from JFK to midtown I felt I was being taken advantage of a little bit.
  22. Shaggy poster -> Cam whore -> Austin City Council member Fitlump was a play on her username that the Shaggy collective created
  23. tbf the majority of this board are probably not "lower middle class." Plus I thought we are talking about real estate in Austin which I would say priced out lower middle class several years ago.
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