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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ZB'Tejas

  1. I sold off my $TLRY a while back but might want to get back in.... a guy in the industry told me to stick to investing in US weed companies versus Canadian.
  2. I'm holding some of those so will be rooting for you. I've rarely bought options but I recently dipped my toe in on UUUU as I was already holding some shares. Still trying to figure out my strategy if this thing keeps going up and whether it would be beneficial to buy the shares on expiration.
  3. I'm the opposite... IBRX is where I loaded up.
  4. Just listed 4 tickets on StubHub Section 13 Row 35 on the aisle. Willing to break them up and sell in 2's to anyone here for $300 a seat.
  5. Thanks. I have 2 chunks of positions that I'm good holding long term. Then I have 4/22 calls and 1/23 calls so will likely sell the first bit over the next few weeks just to lock in that profit. Now if I can just get my shit penny stocks like RXMD to have a bit of success...
  6. That's a Harrison question....but he did say awhile back my 12$ January calls should print I think I saw someone spit balling $40 by end of next year. Seems pretty optimistic but I like it. I did buy some calls that I can sell for almost 70% profit but if this thing doubles or triples over the next few months...
  7. 52 week high surpassed today.... How high will this thing go? Still holding for now...
  8. My buddy and I just logged on and it allocated him 3 seats in Section 24... wtf? 50 yard line while I'm sitting in the end zone with my original tickets?
  9. I've got 4 tickets that I will be selling in Section 13 Row 35 on the aisle. The wife insists on going to ACL that weekend instead so I'll offer them up here first before listing.
  10. $SUMO has been so frustrating... beats expectations by 21% and still falls 10%. I need to find some stock that go up. Asana has been my top performer but need to find the next one.
  11. What was the original price on those and how long did it take for them to sell out? The Bossy Bear I just bought went for .04 ETH but they are still less than 25% minted so the floor on OS is trading at a loss right now. They did say the original minter of each NFT would get 50% of proceeds going forward which is interesting.
  12. Have we found a bottom? I'm in at 13.5 but looking to DCA down a bit
  13. Agree. We should be able to transfer the tickets directly from the wallet via Airdrop or over text. No needing the University to be involved at all. That's how the Austin FC mobile ticket work I believe. I just used the screenshot method for this past game and had no issues.
  14. It’s an interesting project as holders of the token get some share on ongoing royalties. I have not read up on it much but figured I could roll the dice on this one since I just sat back and missed out on the BAYC. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I grabbed 2 Bears in the presale. Let's hope this doesnt go to zero
  16. On the Bossy Bears they are going to open up premint to another 650 people that filled out the form and then it opens broadly at 2 I think. I may try and get one of these to see what happens. They are also doing some giveaways so maybe I can get lucky.
  17. Yea, I tried reading through all the premint instructions and honestly got a bit lost. I figure worst case I might just buy one early tomorrow and roll the dice to see if this project takes off like some of the others. Also figures with ETH being pretty high right now, it might be a good opportunity to buy a few things.
  18. Has anyone withdrawn their WETH from Zed recently? Gas prices are still outrageous it seems. Would cost me 35% of my balance to withdraw. Any way around this?
  19. New NFT dropping this week called Bossy Bear Club. They all look like they are copying each other but join the discord if you are interested. I think they mint tomorrow so could be an opportunity to get in on the ground floor: https://discord.gg/t7BMRCqp Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. This might work if you are doing a screen capture of the current ticket. I think I read that when transferred the old QR would no longer be valid. However this is likely a much easier option when taking friends so you can just text them those captures.
  22. Not sure this will work. I had both tickets saved in my wallet but when I transferred one to my wife it removed it from the app and the one in my wallet that I transferred now no longer has a QR code.
  23. I did successfully transfer a ticket to my wife so it does work.... however it does force you to create a TexasSports.com account to accept it first so plan ahead for the game on Sat.
  24. High maintenance wives and young kids make having a comfortable place to take a break from the sun in Sept a nice option.
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