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Saint Austin

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Everything posted by Saint Austin

  1. Is now the time we start recognizing the independence of Russia's dozen or so separatist movements?
  2. This at least sounds better than that awful Red Dawn remake
  3. In response to invading Ukraine I'd wish NATO would occupy Kaliningrad, if not for the fact that it would cause World War III
  4. More "meh" last night. Neither the main cast, nor the current BF, is at all interesting. I had planned to ride out this first season, but my resolve is flagging.
  5. She sucks. She made the one guy say "Auburn University" instead of Auburn, but accepted Purdue without "Purdue University." She's got to go.
  6. Dammit. My bad. "the pay's usually not as good as you'll make in private practice,"
  7. Because the pay wasn't roughly the same. I got a 60% raise going back to private practice. But even then, I had frank discussions with the boss and associates about how doable it was to make my billable hours, and it honestly hasn't been bad. It all depends on the right spot though.
  8. I loved going in-house, but the pay's usually as good as you'll make in private practice, which is why I reluctantly left in-house a few years ago.
  9. I thought Season 1 was meh but loved the rest
  10. Ugh. New Ted is an even bigger puss than Ted Classic.
  11. I watched the first two episodes. The second one is slightly better than the pilot, but it still lags far behind its predecessor in terms of comedic talent. I'll keep watching for now, but so far it's not much more than a less-funny sequel.
  12. The Ted-style character seems too obvious. My guess is the Indian guy.
  13. This is stupid. In the unfortunate event that we're still around by '23 (and we better fucking not be), this new Big 12 has to have East/West divisions. For '23/'24 I'd have them like this: EAST Central Florida West Virginia Cincinnati Iowa St. Kansas Kansas St. Houston WEST Texas Okla Okla St. Tech Baylor TCU BYU When we and OU leave, shift UofH to the West. Thanks, and that'll be $9.95.
  14. Robert - "Old person's name" Austin - "Too Longhornsy" Landry - "It's more of a girl's name nowadays" Lucy - "That was my dog's name as a girl!"
  15. Good to see that Godwin's law is in full effect today.
  16. I'm interested to hear how Beto walks back the proclamation of taking folks' guns away.
  17. The Rangers have lots where you can park. You can also find business strip mall parking just to the east for a few bucks cheaper.
  18. Close-ish to the Temple (old ballpark). It's not a long walk from there to Texas Live
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