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Queen Bitch

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Everything posted by Queen Bitch

  1. Kim Gordon been knocking on doors in LA for Bernie. Would absolutely lose my mind.
  2. People gave Bernie (deserved) shit for that “Rep establishment, Dem establishment, we can’t be stopped” tweet... but can you really blame him?
  3. Huh it’s almost like that’s how propaganda gets spread through social media.
  4. “What idiotic loser would be stupid enough to say such bullshit?” as idiotic loser immediately proceeds to say such bullshit.
  5. Would be amazing if a denial of basic facts and science is what took these clowns down.
  6. The base will blame it on fake news and the Democrats. Moose out front should’ve told ya.
  7. It garnered a D Cinemascore this weekend. Yikes.
  8. It’s crazy to think how that antivax mom FB group is probably still... completely antivax
  9. Jr's posture -- what an absolute beta doof
  10. Watching Trump get absolutely humiliated all fall on his way to a yuge EC beatdown? Fuck it, I'm in.
  11. The Five hosts, Laura Ingraham, Tammy Lannister, and Judge Jeanine would all like a word with you.
  12. I dunno, “Foreigners and the Obamas win top prizes at the Oscars” feels like prime outrage Fox fodder
  13. Did he find out about the Obamas’ documentary winning the Oscar yet? Hoping it’s the thing that causes him to finally stroke out.
  14. Stuffed twice on the same possession. Impressive!
  15. Y’all need to stop moving the goalposts.
  16. Finally we agree on something. Ban the Electoral College. 1 person = 1 vote.
  17. Do they not teach the difference between your and you’re at OSU? Or are you just fucking stupid?
  18. She got a lot of shit for acting black / her 'blaccent', so *I believe* this is a conscious effort to move away from the Awkwafina persona. Nora is her name irl.
  19. He's going to start saying he wasn't impeached, isn't he
  20. That can't possibly be true. Susan Collins said he learned his lesson!
  21. It's crazy we're going to know the results of New Hampshire before we finalize Iowa.
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