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Queen Bitch

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Everything posted by Queen Bitch

  1. A quick gander to the Tiger Droppings politics board will tell you those people will NEVER turn on him.
  2. Infuriating that this game was paywalled. Fuck ESPN and fuck this piece of shit conference.
  3. Even if they pull this out, we still win. The misery is going to be piping hot over on Texaggy regardless.
  4. Gutsy comeback win over a tough SEC opponent coming right up !!
  5. Jesus the fake military is filled with such FUCKING DORKS
  6. Well I’ve never seen a literal entire section completely empty through a quarter (half?) of an otherwise crowded football game, so I’m not sure this is better?
  7. I’m just going to keep adding that in the VY years, students had “group” season tickets and it worked perfectly. You and your friends created a group via the internet the summer before, you got your season tickets e-mailed to you, and you got to tailgate and stroll in 10 minutes before like everyone else.
  8. There were “group” assigned seats in the VY years, which meant you got to tailgate all day then stumble in right before kickoff, and it worked perfectly. CDC, just do that again.
  9. Y’all here bitching and yet the misery on Texags is what I’d imagine heroin feels like. Go read that, you’ll feel better.
  10. Lol it might not have been fun but WE’VE LOST FOUR STRAIGHT TO THEM SO CAN WE JUST GD ENJOY IT
  11. Having felt hopeless for a big stretch of this decade, I usually take enjoyment in other fanbase’s misery... but I’m legit rooting for y’all to turn it around.
  12. The three teams they've played have exactly one win amongst them. Get off your knees.
  13. She has something in common with John Legend, Lester Holt, Jemele Hill, and Don Lemon.
  14. I listen to the Stern broadcast every year on 9/11. Incredible document of a group of people witnessing and coming to grips with the world changing in front of them.
  15. To go along with the rescue dogs... there were also two very, very good guide dogs who escorted their owners from 70+ stories up. I learned of them last night, and I've thought about them all day today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salty_and_Roselle
  16. Tom being in the fake panic room was amazing and hilarious. EXECUTIVES COMING THROUGH!!
  17. For shits and gigs, can we see how long we can keep him talking about Bama and the sharpie? Like, can it keep going for another week? Two weeks? A month? Will he come completely unglued? I want to watch that.
  18. Jacob Wohl wants desperately to be Patrick Bateman but instead has incel face, knows he has incel face, desperately wishes his posturing could mask said face, but ultimately knows deep down there’s nothing he can do about it. You hate to see it.
  19. In retrospect, she was far too kind with her word choice.
  20. Re-listening to the Manson season right now. It's a riveting, perfect piece of podcasting. Highly, highly recommended if you're interested in learning more.
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