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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Nothing has vanished, you fucking idiot. You just don't understand how news works.
  2. Maybe just sit this one out.
  3. Good quick legal discussion with last night's guests, 2/3rds of the Strict Scrutiny podcast. Though I'm mostly posting so I can point out that Chris Hayes outkicked his coverage.
  4. There's at least 10 Surly posters secretly thinking OP is on to something huge.
  5. Hey, we should give the cops some credit. Sometimes they don't intentionally murder people, sometimes they kill people by accident because they're completely incompetent morons:
  6. I actually didn't hate the cleaning ladies finding the hatch and figuring it out angle (outside of the True Detective universe, "evil corporation foiled by cleaning ladies" is fucking hilarious), but that sure felt like a deus ex machina they came up with pretty late and couldn't even figure out how to tie in Annie's tongue being left there, so just said fuck it on that.
  7. The newest KF episode, #799. It’s not particularly interesting. Jones was interviewing David Icke and Icke was talking shit about Elon so Elon called in pretending to be someone else to basically call Icke stupid.
  8. Y'all remember how much talk we started seeing on the right before Roe was overturned about how, once it was, they would need to start passing pro-mother and pro-family policies? Have any Republican-controlled states done that? No? It's all just this clearly abusive and controlling anti-women shit? Like we predicted? Funny how that worked out.
  9. No shit, what the fuck brisket?
  10. Sure. There’s plenty of reasons to be optimistic too and if I had to bet today, I’d bet on Biden beating Trump. But nothing is certain and plenty of shit will happen between now and the election that we can’t even anticipate. The only thing I’m sure about is that it will come down to what are relatively very small margins in 5 or 6 states, as it always does in modern American presidential elections.
  11. All Trump needs to do is flip Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona. Let's look at those states in 2020: Wisconsin: Biden + 20,682 (0.6%) Georgia: Biden + 11,779 (0.3%) Arizona: Biden + 10,457 (0.4%) Those are tiny margins and any of a thousand things could happen between now and November that could increase Trump's chances of flipping those states.
  12. He is arguing in good faith, he just gets overly committed to certain positions and overly invested in certain beliefs. He doesn't want to consider another Trump term as possible (understandably) and he sees some evidence supporting an argument that a Trump loss is likely, and he takes that too far. We've all got our coping mechanisms for grappling with the inherent chaos and uncertainty of the world. I'm not sure mine (booze and anxiety, mostly) is any healthier than his.
  13. It's not really a theory, it's been pretty thoroughly reported. But yeah, it's also wholly consistent with typical Democrat brain behavior. It's very easy to paralyze yourself weighing every possible option and end up doing nothing and hoping things just resolve themselves on their own.
  14. Rimbo needs to believe that Trump is guaranteed to lose like Q-Anon believers need to believe the Storm is coming. You're not going to shake him from that any more than you could shake any Q believers from their belief that all of this is happening according to some grand plan that Trump has.
  15. The thing is, we're not really taking the "rule of law" approach. The "rule of law" approach would've been to immediately begin an enormous criminal investigation into Trump the moment Biden took office, because there was a shitload of evidence he and those around him had committed numerous crimes related to 1/6. Garland and the DOJ didn't do so because they were worried about political appearances. That's not commitment to the rule of law, that was them disregarding the rule of law, prioritizing their own vain concerns over enforcement of the law against the biggest fucking threat to American capital-L Law since the Civil War. They really did hope that he'd just go away quietly. It took until Trump refused to give back the most highly classified shit we have before they got around to actually taking any of this shit seriously.
  16. I'll always have a soft spot for Stewart, but he's fundamentally still the same guy who did the rally to restore sanity. There's still something he just very fundamentally doesn't grasp about the modern right and his "most of us are sane people with generally the same values and we should be able to find common ground" schtick is just absolutely not adequate for the current times.
  17. Taibbi has so thoroughly cooked his own brain he doesn't see how embarrassing this is for him.
  18. Rogan's got that disease where he's so stupid he'll believe whatever the last person he talked to told him.
  19. I will say, the cool thing about Bret Weinstein is that I do believe he's cooked his brain so thoroughly that he genuinely believes this shit.
  20. Y'all notice fatty always trolls after a mass shooting?
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