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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. Loochi on Sept 1: Jimbo is an elite coach, and it's not debatable. If not for the contract extension, Alabama would try to poach him! That whole article whs quite the exercise in mental gymnastics
  2. I can only hope KKL weighs in on this, after she finishes helping Demas update his resume of course.
  3. Yeah, I'm close to crossing WB off my list of fast food places to go to.
  4. This is pure genius. Nicely done sir.
  5. A while back I was going to give the curbside guy a tip, but he turned it down
  6. You seem like a really good person.
  7. It's funny that they include murray and allen, both of whom transferred the hell out of that shithole. Oh and tate.
  8. Oh, so rib sandwich is her code for jimbo. Got it
  9. Well, jimbo is a quarterback whisperer. Plus, he's a SITTING nc winning coach!
  10. We need a DC who can hang on to a 14 point lead
  11. Is there a way to put a thread on ignore?
  12. Focht Up


    Positive rep, because that looks like poon to me
  13. Why must we say "kiddo"? It was mildly amusing 30 years ago
  14. That guy that kicks his knee upwards is hilarious in that he so proudly he embraces being a true geek.
  15. Thanks to @immamac for the excellent margaritas and for hosting the tailgate. Also, nice chatting with @BornAndRaised and others.
  16. Obviously their big donors forced jimbo to make the change
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