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Everything posted by Sparky

  1. Yes it was, that was really tense and Gordo acting like a teenager mad he got left with the babysitters. Jake's bit where he did what it would be like if they others dated thru drops was pretty funny.
  2. Sparky

    Dallas | Italian

    Looks like Eater Dallas has spoken on this matter. https://dallas.eater.com/maps/best-italian-restaurants-dallas-where-to-eat
  3. He said there is going to be some roles shuffled when they switch to noon but didn't announce the lineups. Only spot announced was Dan saying Fernando is going to do PM tickers.
  4. I think mid-day has something but they have to hold Norm back. Gordo could really press Julie and potentially get some gold there plus him with Danny could work. That morning seems to be all over the place with what could happen.
  5. You white elephant lineup. Morning - Corby: Jake Donovan Sturm Sea Bass Mid-Day - Craig: Gordo Julie Dingu Norm Tye Walker (Mr. Irrelevant) Afternoon Drive - Dan: Jub Sirois Rhyner Fernando (Tickers)
  6. Same I did the first hour earlier and it's damn good.
  7. Sparky

    Dallas | Italian

    Looks like it's a lounge area. I remember channel 5 did their big NYE show from there last year. But sounds like it's not worth fighting thru the food for a view.
  8. Sparky

    Dallas | Italian

    I was kind of afraid of that, the lady has been suggesting it to try. I think she saw the view where it overlooks downtown and thinks that is cool and means it's good. I find it odd that I never hear of any place in the Groves that is a must, shame.
  9. Sparky

    Dallas | Italian

    Has anyone tried Saint Rocco's in Trinity Groves?
  10. The fact that he said he owns many companies and they all have CEO's that run them seems like he's trying to insulate himself. He didn't sound really good there but did he really think he would go in for a interview with them and it would only be about the Mavs? Or was that a setup and scripted....(conspiracy theory sounder)
  11. Here you go, it's not in album form but you can still waste time. http://bobanddan.com/crow-line/
  12. He sounds so fake doing those commercials. No way he has even stepped foot into one.
  13. Does he get handsy? Or is he one that always has some shitty magic trick to show them?
  14. Probably the bird flu or SARS since he claimed they can't touch him.
  15. Wonder if he went the way of the guy from the restaurant Texas? The guy who had his tonsils taken out with a pair of pliers when he was a kid and is owed 50 bucks?
  16. Mileage for sure. The time is there to scare the granny who drives 100 miles a year to going in and giving the quicky lube more money every three months. Age could possibly come into play if it were a extremely dusty/humid area you live in as that could break it down when you do drive to the bank and post office once a week.
  17. One reported questioned about Jacob's credentials as a investigator being he is only 20 years old and Burkman got up there like a parent defending a child that had just been called dumb. Well I guess he reacted appropriately now that I think about it. Here's some highlights of it. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-pol-trump-wohl-women-cash-mueller-assault-20181101-story.html
  18. I actually tuned into that "press conference" Jacob and his buddy just held and I've never seen two monkeys try to fuck a football harder.
  19. I'm in her district and she was out at the polling place glad handing yesterday. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard her voice.
  20. So how does Norm feel now about all that time and money he dumped into the documentary he was doing about old Kippy and all the good he had done? Guess that just sits on the shelf now.
  21. We were on a strict budget, both money and time wise so it didn't fit.
  22. Yes that would be perfect, because in current days didn't they leave it where Jimmy had the heart attack? I don't think they've flashed forward again with anything of importance.
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