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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Teamdirtyleg

  1. We were supposed to fly Corpus to Houston to Roatan Monday morning with about a 45 minute layover (Airline had changed the original time). Changed our flight just Houston to Roatan because I don't think that Jet is leaving on time, if at all. Now I'm wondering how much prepping I'll need to do on the house before we drive up to Houston Sunday and how far of a detour the flight to Honduras will take.
  2. I really thought you were going to end this with “and we’ll be lucky to live through it”
  3. I agree. I like hearing what he has to say.
  4. lol, if that were true, you'd see a lot more success in sports and a lot less ridicule in the public square. I've long argued it's the cornerstone of Aggie's futility in sports
  5. This is because you're an aggie. Yall are always the righteous, longsuffering victims of the evil t.u.'s conspirations with the devil himself to hold down God's chosen people from their more than deserved birthright.
  6. Holy shit!! This is all just too delicious
  7. Mine was a trust and took me from submitting around 9/22 and waited till 7/23 to receive my suppressor.
  8. Oh shit! I’m in the cloak room. You motherfuckers!!
  9. I’ve been summoned. I gotta tell yah, I guess I didn’t really know who this Lauren Boebert was. I never gave it much thought when I’d hear the name or read it. I’d just tune out, I guess. So, I think I thought they were talking about Lorena Bobbitt. Yall made me finally look this person up and in this case…….. (my)Username does not check out
  10. Whoa! That hits a lot different than Bad Company's version.
  11. Gen x’er here to tell you to get fucked with that “natty” shit
  12. Maybe this is the problem. We lost our edge. (EDGE?)
  13. My oldest son and longhorn grad and I used to bond over Shaggy when he was a teen but he mostly is on Reddit or twitter now. I don’t know the remedy, but I do think a big part of the problem is lack of youthful energy we all had much more of 10-15 years ago.
  14. My uncle worked at the labs his whole career.
  15. After having watched the Untold episode on Manti Te'o, I now know the trophy went to the only guy of the 3 that had ever pulled any leg.
  16. This might be the funniest fucking thing I've read anywhere is quite some time.
  17. Christ. I a little surprised how weak the shit talk is these Washington dorks are bringing to surly. I'm not sure why I expected better
  18. Where are the assholes that kept telling us Georgia HAD TO WIN yesterday
  19. Whoever wins this is in. They already have both teams ranked ahead of Texas.
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