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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. Are there different races in Egypt? Is there a legal system in Egypt? If the answers are yes, then one could apply CRT in Egypt. One could use CRT to understand the legal system’s role in promoting systemic racism in that country.
  2. Why wouldn't it apply there? You thinking it wouldn't apply in a country like Egypt makes me think you aren't aware of what CRT is.
  3. I always feel the need to establish this when I enter a conversation that deals with race
  4. Has this guy's police department issued a statement? Is this guy working the beat tonight? Or is he being prosecuted? I haven't seen anything about the consequences on this guy?
  5. You post a lot of twitter takes and most of them are slanted or straight up terrible. Have you ever considered to cut out twitter from your information diet?
  6. You are the work as it relates to this thread. The subject of this thread are your narratives crafted with inflammatory opinions based on meaningless facts and stitched together with innuendo. Your beliefs shared here are the product of propaganda. We are looking at you, how you think and the information you cite.
  7. Words have meaning dipshit. Use them correctly. Your melted brain felt the NIH acted "behind the back" of trump in 2017. I provided you a link to the NIH website that was the announcement in 2017 about lifting the funding pause. The trump administration had access to the internet. Your melted brain wants to use incorrect language like "ban" to make the lifting in funding pause sound more nefarious. I provided a link of Obama's 2014 announcement of the pause where they specifically describe the situation as a pause in funding. Below is about 4th step propagandists use. Internet giants, such as Facebook and Google, use processes called algorithms to provide users with content they think is wanted. Algorithms are important in the information environment. Search returns have been found to sway voter decisions. Regardless of who controls the returns, algorithms also enable echo chamber development, which polarizes the electorate. Algorithms also had a role in the 2016 elections. Google search autocompletes and returns favoured Trump, spreading false information with a far-right bias. Fake news supporting Trump trended on Facebook through algorithms. And Trump was more searched than Clinton on Google. The more Trump was searched, the higher content about him ranked in subsequent search returns – a competitive advantage when first page search returns garner 92% of all click through traffic.
  8. For fucks sake man. It wasn't a "ban." It was a "pause." Google is your friend. It takes 15 seconds to use. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/10/17/doing-diligence-assess-risks-and-benefits-life-sciences-gain-function-research Below is from the medium article linked above about understanding the propaganda rabbit hole many are in today. The below is about step 3 and using echo chambers to inject inflammatory content. The online world is a crowded market space. It isn’t enough to simply create content that resonates with an audience; it must be delivered directly to them. In a Digital Age, propagandists can reach you through the Facebook pages you follow, your social media feeds and networks, trending topics on Google, and traditional media. Step Three then is to inject this deliberately provocative content into echo chambers identified through audience analysis. The key here is to have a desired actionable outcome from the content – whether that be to share it, sign up for a mailing list, or troll the comments section of news sites. An online echo chamber is a digital space where content reflecting a specific point of view reverberates, exposing those within it to only that one prevailing perspective. Digital technologies enable the creation of echo chambers or filter bubbles. In fact, it only takes a matter of days to become part of a filter bubble, as two German journalists discovered in a recent online experiment. Once inside an echo chamber, a user is fed content fitting pre-existing views and preferences, such as political party affiliation. Echo chambers are created in part by algorithms that sort information, but more so by the choices individuals make about content consumption.
  9. From the medium article I linked above. They describe a 7 step process used by propagandists. In the Digital Age, this traditional approach is evolving into a participatory propaganda model in which the target audience is no longer mere passively consuming persuasive messaging but also becoming active in producing and distributing such content. The original propaganda message triggers, reinforces, or exacerbates pre-existing sentiments associated with the message in a way that prompts the consumer to actively engage in its propagation through available social networks, both on and off-line. Even if modified through the consumer’s own interpretation, the core message remains intact, and even acquires ‘new life’. At the same time, online monitoring tools enable the original propagandist to follow and assess the spread of his or her messaging, adapting strategies in a constant feedback loop. In this context, then, a more appropriate definition might be: In reviewing the Donald Trump 2016 presidential election campaign, seven steps emerged that clearly demonstrated the application of a Participatory Propaganda model: Conduct hyper-target audience analysis; Develop inflammatory content that erodes faith in the opponent and manipulates audience cognitive biases: Fake news; Memes; Data Leaks/Hacks; Inject this content into echo chambers identified through audience analysis; Manipulate Feed and Search Algorithms; Mobilize followers to action; Win media attention: Be a trend; Stage a Scandal; or Commune with the news; and Rinse and Repeat.
  10. The NIH announced in 2017 that they were lifting the funding pause. It wasn't a secret. It wasn't "behind anyone's back." They posted the announcement on their website. I found that out in 15 seconds using google. https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research Here is one idea on why you think the way you do. https://medium.com/politicsmeanspolitics/have-you-fallen-down-a-participatory-propaganda-rabbit-hole-6f71c83f04fa
  11. The Atlantic is bullshit. Did they not read the emails? This is about bringing justice upon that mad psychopath Anthony Fauci.
  12. We use diplomacy (or the military) to get countries to do things. It works best with a lot of allies. Our relationship with allies was heavily strained under trump, but are much better now. Adopting scientific research standards or sharing data on diseases in the populations are the type of things diplomacy can accomplish. Enforcement and ensuring use of standards is more difficult. Diplomacy isn’t 100% effective
  13. Trump won WV by 39 points. This shot isn’t complicated
  14. You are triggered when folks point out excessive cancel culture is dumb? You think the Dems should embrace cancel culture and run with it at the top of the platform?
  15. I don’t think Babayaga is an idiot in terms of not being able to differentiate his pillow case from toilet paper. However, he clearly has been captured by right wing propaganda in this case. Was he also captured by Qanon, Jade helm, trump resuming office in August, CRT phobia, ukrainegate, Hillary’s emails, and Benghazi? Probably some of it. Everyone is susceptible to propaganda to a certain extent. Some are more vulnerable than others. Not everyone has an education and job experiences that allow for fine tuned critical thinking skills. Has our basic education system failed at preparing people for today’s information world? Hopefully not for the young. For older folks, their education clearly didn’t prepare them for this world. What do we do about that? Ideally, folks recognize they have a problem and have been duped at some point. Hopefully, they realize they are in a rabbit hole. That seems like a big step IMO. After that, it seems obvious they should cut out the blatant propaganda from their media diet - Tucker, daily caller, random you tubers, random twitter accounts, Facebook, and Fox News. And replace that with more moderate sources - WSJ, PBS, NPR, Texas tribune, Post, Times, AP, Reuters, austin American statesman.
  16. Warnock’s seat is up. His win was a special election since the previous dude resigned midway through his term
  17. I’m not thinking about WV and Manchin’s seat other than it is wild he is able to win there. WV doesn’t have a senate seat up for election in 2022. I’m thinking about NC, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Arizona in 2022.
  18. Manchin wins statewide elections as a democrat in a state that went for Trump by 39 points. Think about that for a second. WV was Trump’s second strongest showing, only behind Wyoming. There shouldn’t be an expectation that he totes 100% of the party line. The reality is that the GOP over performed expectations in 2020 and the Dems did not make enough gains in the Senate (Maine, North Carolina) to make the kind of drastic reforms needed. It sucks. It sucks a lot. Everyone knew it sucked immediately after the election. What is going on now shouldn’t be a surprise. I’m hopeful something happens. But I’m not expecting anything grand at this point. Hopes for true drastic democratic reforms such as DC and PR statehood, For the People Act, etc. will require Dem gains in the Senate in 2022.
  19. This isn't about a transaction. The DOJ isn't doing this so Biden can get some political win down the line. This is about a non-partisan DOJ doing what a non-partisan does. They determined trump was acting as a federal employee and are defending him as such. The courts may not allow it, which is fine. Having non-partisan agencies following established procedures is what we want from government. We don't want them driven by shifting political winds.
  20. Barr's DOJ set the precedent in this case. Statement by the plaintiff's attorney, "The DOJ’s position is not only legally wrong, it is morally wrong since it would give federal officials free license to cover up private sexual misconduct by publicly brutalizing any woman who has the courage to come forward." The DOJ may lose their appeal. That would be great IMO. However, this is what a non-partisan DOJ looks like.
  21. It is rather obvious that is what is going on here. Do you have source to the contrary? https://www.npr.org/2021/06/08/1004340386/biden-doj-plans-to-continue-to-defend-trump-in-e-jean-carrolls-defamation-lawsui
  22. One perceived downfall of putting Biden in office is that his team takes governing seriously and instead of playing politics, they follow regs, established guidance and procedures, and precedent. I’m assuming that is what the DOJ is doing here. I’m assuming there is established procedure on determining when an action by POTUS should be considered an action by a government employee and thus when it shouldn’t be defended by the government. We want our agencies to follow procedures rather than politics. I get is feels shitty. I get it is something to be embarrassed and ashamed about. I’m embarrassed that our gov attorneys are wasting tax money on this. If we don’t want to be embarrassed by this kind of stuff, we shouldn’t elect an utter clown to office.
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