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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. You are talking about solutions. I'm talking about CRT. CRT is simply about understanding the problem. This isn't about three kids. It is about systems. There shouldn't be any fear about understanding the problems with the systems that run our society. The first step to addressing a problem is acknowledging the problem.
  2. I don't believe CRT identifies solutions. It looks critically at our systems and points to problems. It is up to our institutions to develop solutions. The whole reason right-wing media outlets (like Tucker and Fox and Friends) say it is scary is because it acknowledges your first two bullet points.** They feel that knowing those realities promotes victimhood and makes people ashamed, etc. When in reality CRT is just understanding how the world works (which you acknowledge in your first two bullets.) ** other than the reasons this fits right-wing media's culture war playbook perfectly.
  3. Do you have any evidence that this is the case? How did you come to that conclusion?
  4. It isn't about "you" or an individual. The question isn't about whether a 16 year old today is able to get into college. It is about the disproportionality at the population scale. Another unfortunate reality to consider, since you mention college, is that the cost of living has been outpaced healthcare costs, which has been outpaced by higher education costs. So if we looked solely at access to higher education, we would need to consider the constantly growing financial hurdle affecting the entire population along with systemic issues affecting subsets of our population.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism#United_States
  6. Then it is highly probable you agree with most of CRT. I understand a lot of folks have uncomfortable feelings about it. A lot of folks have been told to mistrust it. There is a rather large propaganda campaign against it right now. I think there is the facts about CRT (systemic racism, etc.) and then there is the culture war/cancel culture aspect of things these days that people don't like. CRT is not cancel culture.
  7. What does it mean to fully implement CRT from your understanding? Something that doesn't bear out in most walks of life in the US may still be true and a reality in the US.
  8. It isn't about you. It's about the system. It's about the systems (tax, land regulation, schools, etc.) that have led to a disproportionate accumulation of wealth on a population level.
  9. You aren't able to describe any thing about CRT that is incorrect. I'll note that. You seem to have concerns with what you feel it emphasizes and what you feel it says about racial progress. A lot of folks seem to be driven by feelings when it comes this topic. My recommendation is to acknowledge that a simplified version of CRT boils down to the fact systemic racism exists in the US.
  10. It isn't scary to me. Are you not able to answer my question? Other than trying to tie it to scary things like "marxism" and describing is as scary with a "core of divisive ideology," what exactly about CRT do you think is incorrect?
  11. That isn't what CRT is. Other than trying to tie it to scary things like "marxism" and describing is as scary with a "core of divisive ideology," what exactly about CRT do you think is incorrect?
  12. I understand resisting arrest is typically a misdemeanor and would be things like not giving up hands to be cuffed, running away, or not opening a door. None of those are violent. If he was violent towards an officer, he would have been charged with assault or battery. Assault or battery against an office would be evidence of violence.
  13. Any convictions related to violence? Any that would indicate he is any sort of threat? Drug convictions are clearly non-violent.
  14. Getting a vaccination is just virtue signaling!! Why do they have to rub it in my face and make my emotions tingle!
  15. Can a Texas governor suspend statutes by executive order? I don’t recall seeing it before. From his order: To the extent necessary to ensure that local governmental entities or officials do not impose any such face-covering requirements, I hearby suspend the following: a. Sections 418.1015(b) and 418.108 of the Texas Government Code; b. Chapter 81, Subchapter E of the Texas Health and Safety Code; c. Chapters 121, 122, and 341 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; d. Chapter 54 of the Texas Local Government Code; and e. any other statute invoked by any local governmental entity or official in support of a face-covering requirement.
  16. The world is simple. THere are good guys and there are bad guys. We are the good guys. The others are the bad guys.
  17. Then I recommend you try and look past labels. Instead, look at what is going on. Judge the situation based on facts from reputable sources and your own value system. For example, acknowledge the past disproportionate uses of human shields by Israel. Don't let the labels by others tell you what to think and how to feel.
  18. How is that a relevant question? Does giving them a label like that help dehumanize the palestinian side? Does the label help give moral authority to Israel in your eyes? Does the label justify the disproportionate killing of palestinian children?
  19. Watched the HBO documentary, The Crime of Century about the opioid crisis that came out a week or so ago. Take a guess who makes an unsurprising cameo and who was hired by the pharmaceutical companies back in 2006 to lobby the DOJ to avoid and minimize criminal penalties. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/may/22/rudy-giuliani-opioid-epidemic-oxycontin-purdue-pharma
  20. It's important to understand that there are groups within groups. The palestinians are composed of far-right nationalists along with moderates- just like there is on the Israel side. Each time peace is near, the far-right nationalists on each side sabotage the situation. That pattern repeats itself. It a well known far-right misinformation/disinformation outlet that pumps propaganda into the US on behalf of the GOP. Israel's PM aligning themselves with US propaganda outlets is the continuation of a bizarre foreign policy by Netanyahu, along with aligning himself with Trump and his BS speech in 2015 to the US Senate, that is alienating the State of Israel from Democrats along with many Jews in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU
  21. How is that relevant? Does it somehow justify an apartheid and crimes against humanity? I know you have probably heard that narrative in a bunch of places, but what does it mean to you? Israel is a proxy of the US and other western nations looking for middle eastern country to stage our influence from. The US provides funding, arms (rockets) and training to Israel. How is that relevant?
  22. I recommend taking a look at the media bubble that resulted in this take. It is common throughout history to blame others for the killing of civilians. In addition to the piece on the 2005 Israel supreme court ruling I provided earlier, wiki provides a good snapshot of the use of human shields throughout the conflict. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shield#Palestine The point I am making is that we know Israel has used human shields. We know the degree of civilian and children deaths are inappropriate. The current solution is to cease bombardment and civilian killing. The longterm solution is clearly two states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-state_solution
  23. You are putting too much weight on intention. Intention doesn't matter. Results do. True intentions are rarely stated. What were the stated US intentions going into Iraq? What were the stated Nazi intentions going into Poland? The current conflict has killed 192 in gaza including 58 children. It is unacceptable for Israel to kill children - even if killing children wasn't the "point." Israel's use of arabs as human shields was unacceptable even if the "point" was not to endanger arabs (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel). The issue is that the totality of the evidence - civil rights abuses, crimes against humanity, disproportionate civilian deaths, a system designed to propagate an ethnically clean state, a system designed to expand that ethnically clean state, the continuation of bombardment even after calls for truces - make clear that dehumanization and apartheid are being conducted by the State of Israel whether those intentions are stated or not. There have always been supporters of and reasons to support atrocious events in history. Folks rationalized slavery in the US for reasons. The south african apartheid was worth it from some people for some reasons. Hitler had his reasons to go into Poland. The US had reasons to otherthrow Sadam. The presence of reasons doesn't automatically justify actions if the actions are inappropriate. History will see the Apartheid by Israel. People see it now.
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