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GW Hayduke

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Everything posted by GW Hayduke

  1. But look what they did to poor mr Carter Page PhD!!!?!
  2. Everyone knew the Steele reports were raw intelligence, which are just rumors from unverified sources. It was intended to point federal investigators and investigative journalists in various directions to investigate and corroborate. That is what it did. Much of the Steele reports has turned out accurate: - russian regime had been cultivating trump for 5 yrs in effort to divide western alliances. TRUE - one aspect to influence trump was to exploit his sexual perversions. POSSIBLY TRUE. Cohen and Mueller investigated Russian tapes and were unable to deny their existence. Trump and Cohen discussed tapes - russia was using state sponsored cyber operations TRUE - kremlin behind dnc emails released by Wikileaks TRUE - Russian and trump coordination was managed by Manafort POSSIBLY TRUE. Manafort was providing polling data to Russia and has not cooperated with investigators. - Page holds secret meetings in Moscow with Rosneft official MOSTLY TRUE. Steele said it was rosneft president but it was a lower level employee. - trump paid bribes and hookers in St. Petersburg UNKNOWN. Hasn’t been investigated. - Russians had more emails on Clinton waiting to be released TRUE - Cohen’s secret meeting Prague UNLIKELY TRUE. Mueller didn't investigate but dismissed it based on Cohen’s testimony
  3. This is good. I would add ‘tax cuts pay for themselves’ to your bulleted list as a recent example of the GOP’s acceptance of stupidity
  4. Ongoing lines of inquiry in the house off the top of my head. - trump taxes (I’m not really sure what could come out of this but it seems there is a reason to keep secret) - trump org finances (Cummings has issued a subpoena and it’s going to court) - White House security clearances (Cummings has issued a subpoena but White House is fighting) - Family separation policy (I haven’t seen much about this since Feb) - Mueller’s findings (I understand Barr, McGahn, Mueller are all expected to testify) - Emoluments violations (Engel is running with I believe)
  5. And that is all good and fine but unless something changes, Mitch isn’t going to allow trial. Any vote that occurs in the senate will tie the GOP to trump but who doesn’t already know that? The GOP have at +85% favorability towards trump. There isn’t a segment of the population who’s brain explodes from finding out the gop supports trump
  6. That Mitch will allow a trial in the senate? That isn’t going to happen unless the GOP switches and backs impeachment. If it is only the Dems that want it, he’ll just change the rules. The “trial” is being conducted in the house. Public awareness and investigations are going on there
  7. The bottom line is that hearings and investigations are ongoing and need to continue to minimize chances of a potus re-election. There is likely a lot that we need to understand behind trump .org finances, nra/pac foreign monies, the bamboozle behind security clearances, and family separations
  8. https://www.lawfareblog.com/can-senate-decline-try-impeachment-case
  9. Mitch McConnell isn’t going to allow that to happen no matter what Dems do
  10. My question still remains. You seem to be talking about hearings and public awareness rather than impeachment. They are different.
  11. Here's the bulk of what Sanders said (it's long, but important): "At the end of the day, what is most important to me is to see that Donald Trump is not re-elected president, and I intend to do everything I can to make sure that doesn't happen. "But if -- and this is an if -- if for the next year, year-and-a-half, going right into the heart of the election, all that the Congress is talking about is impeaching Trump and Trump, Trump, Trump, and Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, and we're not talking about health care, we're not talking about raising the minimum wage to a living wage, we're not talking about combating climate change, we're not talking about sexism and racism and homophobia, and all of the issues that concern ordinary Americans, what I worry about is that works to Trump's advantage." Sanders went on to say that he supports the House conducting an investigation into some of the seemingly obstructive behaviors by Trump documented by Mueller and that, once that investigation concludes, he was open to reassessing. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/23/politics/bernie-sanders-impeachment-cnn-town-hall/index.html
  12. Who doesn’t currently know or feel like the GOP and trump are one? Is there a segment of the population that would suddenly understand this after it fails in the senate?
  13. Hearings are going on. Patience. A failed impeachment at this time doesn’t do anything but increase odds that potus is re-elected and any indictments have to wait longer
  14. No impeachment proceedings or failed impeachment proceedings would have the same outcome concerning “protecting the people and the country from a lawless autocracy” except one increases the potential potus remains in office and immune to prosecution. The idea a failed impeachment would help the Dems at the ballot box is a political question. It may be correct. But it may be incorrect. That is political calculation. Look to Nancy
  15. At this point, we aren’t talking about impeachment. We are talking about a failed impeachment that mobilizes potus’ base
  16. The house votes. It goes to the senate and fails. Do the Dems get constitutional medals? That is all that would happen except potentially provide fodder and fire up trump’s demagoguery and increase his odds of reelection. I don’t see how that is necessary. Removing potus from office should be what is considered necessary.
  17. Yes. The assertion is that impeachment by one party that fails will harm that party at the ballot.
  18. At this point, it is only a political question. Mueller has provided enough evidence for multiple counts of obstruction. No one is refusing to do it because it is scary. The GOP is refusing to do it because reasons - their base doesn’t want them to, they are squarely in potus’s corner - all political reasons. The Dems shouldn’t do it because it will decrease the odds of holding potus accountable at the ballot box - political reason.
  19. Impeachment is a political question. If the GOP wants to hold potus accountable, then impeachment should be done. If the GOP doesn’t want to hold potus accountable, then the public should indicate their displeasure at the ballot box. If the Dems move to impeach without the gop, it will fire up potus’s base and decrease the odds that potus and the GOP will be held accountable at the ballot box. The proper position at this time for the Dems is to hold hearings, disclose information to the public, and investigate trump’s finances. Moving to impeach without the gop is a dumb move
  20. This is a common misconception from folks with minimal or no experience in government or public service and who absorb excessive amounts of right wing media. The GOP’s selling point is that the government can’t do anything, so vote for them so they can prove the point
  21. It’s like opening all your windows so the mosquitos get in your house. Then closing the windows and sleeping outside
  22. Why stop at Devos? Rick Perry. Wilbur Ross. Ben Carson. Mulvaney. Herman Cain. Stephen Moore. Javanka. Anyone who thought a real estate developer/tv personality would drain the swamp is an idiot. Anyone who still thinks trump is draining the swamp watches Fox News
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