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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. Also since the league appears to actively condone or promote refuckery , to the point that game outcomes are influenced, why would Texas and OU continue to muzzle themselves? Both athletic departments should have press conferences and video evidence releases about this issue. League rule be damned, league “ incompetence ” and willful neglect of the issue clearly exists….to the point it causes harm to both programs , financial and otherwise. A damages expert could come up with some impossible to ignore numbers.
  2. As I said many times before, the only recourse for Texas and OU to stop /repay the refuckery is to withhold the exit fee. That’s not chump change and will get a lot of unwanted attention to the B12 , their ho refs, and tv advertisers. Companies may start to shy away from paying for ads if the fix makes games look scripted like the WWF/WWE.
  3. Maybe they will bring a national championship to College Statio , but not to College Station, nor to Texas A&M. In the parallel universe off College Staio, only championships in meat judging and animal husbandry will occur, until glory hole and jizz jar championships are introduced , and then aggy will run the table for decades.
  4. El Squared


    Every win is a gift…deal with it.
  5. TSRH. Before the season started it was just a pipe dream, now we can force the committee to pass us over...or put us in. After the past decade it feels good...but still have some games left to play. This is the real problem: committees deciding who gets into playoffs is like judging in diving , figure skating, gymnastics, and synchronized swimming. Complete horseshit and political/biased. Expanded playoff numbers are the only solution.
  6. Personally I think every win is a treasured gift this season with this team. Not looking farther down the road than the next game.
  7. We don’t have the luxury of fantasizing like this, we need to take one game at a time, as the cliche goes, since this squad is capable of winning or losing any game , any time, against any opponent.
  8. For all those that are cheering our escape from B12 refuckery, it’s delusional to believe things will be much different in the SEC, as evidenced in this game.
  9. Not that I disagree but it’s always interesting to see how other individuals with money need to be instructed on how to spend their money by those who do not have the means…
  10. I don’t think they can or will spend money on a buyout but they may have some goods on him to fire w/cause.
  11. Nice PI uncalled on 1st play of ours in OT too
  12. Blow ur load in your sister then…
  13. Looks like he could run for senate in Penn, (No CR).
  14. I’m just saying that between OU and OSU w/ the departure of OU and previous association w/ OSU and B12 “officiating”, skewed outcomes are something to consider.
  15. Let’s not forget B12 refuckery potential in this game, advantage OSU with the ghost of TBoone and some real Benjamins from his legacy foundation showing up.
  16. Having a serviceable OL that can move forward one yard on these goal line situations OR having plays to get to the edge , around the impotent middle of the OL would help. Am sure Sark is taking notes from this message board.
  17. They will be mainlining crack as usual for this game so we better be ready and play w/o out thumbs in our asses.
  18. Looks way better than Tyrone Swoopes, and Card,…..cautiously anticipatory gruntling.
  19. CW might have a bit too much Capernick in him for owners and GMs. It’s a game, but also a business. I think he is less than 50% fora 5 year NFL career, regardless of his skill set.
  20. Usually on;y political scumbags are the ones too arrogant to own their own statements, it’s seems hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
  21. More than just missed holding call, blatant spot “errors”, missed PI, missed block in the back on kick off, and so on and so on. Boo hoo for UH. One penalty all game.
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