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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Do you honestly not see the difference between fucking porn stars and playmates vs fucking a 14 year old?
  2. It's horrific that some people would rather risk their child's life than see them grow up with a slightly lower standard of living in Mexico or a South American country.
  3. Personally, i'm more worried about China than Russia. Our past 3 Presidents didn't exactly "confront" China in any way shape or form.
  4. CNN guest host and legal commentator Mark Geragos is being charged as a co-conspirator. Geragos is also Jussie Smollett's lawyer.
  5. Jack

    Beto 2020

    Like I said the day he announced he was running, there are going to real stories about him that make him look bad and there will be some made up ones. IE.. this fake one. https://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2019/mar/20/tweets/no-texas-democratic-party-did-not-give-beto-orourk/ Most people aren't going to follow up on those stories after they see the headline. It's fucked up because it's verifiable false information being spread. My prediction is he'll be kavanaughed during the primaries. It doesn't matter what his policies are, a white guy isn't going to get the nomination.
  6. Jack

    Beto 2020

    Oh there will definitely be things made up about him. That's politics. That being said, you are assuming that opposition research was done by someone competent. Look at the Virginia governor/Lt governor etc. None of that shit came out during the election. Second, you are also assuming Cruz revealed everything they uncovered. It's been less than 24 hours and we already have Beto writing about murdering children with his car (obviously fiction). https://twitter.com/BreakingNLive/status/1106600255733317638 These candidates are going to go scorched earth on eachother.
  7. Jack

    Beto 2020

    No chance the Dems run another white guy in 2020. Neither Biden or Sanders will make it through either but Beto has the smallest chance of the three. The brand of the democratic party is primarily focused on women and minorities of which he is neither. He is going to have to defend his "phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks" comments during the primaries and the other nominees aren't going to take the highroad. Beto has the burglary, dwi and fleeing the scene of an accident charges too. Not a big deal when you are running against the zodiac killer, but Beto is 2020's John Edwards. They haven't even started pulling the skeletons out of his closet yet.
  8. The paper that broke her cancer story back in September is now saying that she has contracted Pneumonia and will retire from the Supreme Court. They claim their source is one of her law clerks. https://www.smobserved.com/story/2019/01/07/politics/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-will-retire-from-the-us-supreme-court-in-january-2019/3658.html
  9. The Russians would then have to get Weiner to send the dick pics. Though that would probably be the easy part... The easiest explanation for how the emails got there, is that she was careless and naive about the trail she would leave. Maybe her laptop was out of power or she left it at the office and borrowed his. For most couples and for most jobs, that would be a pretty normal thing to do. I don't get why so many people just can't accept that as the most logical conclusion. I've rubbed elbows with state reps and senators and they are basically just a bunch of self promoting brown nosers looking for handouts. I see no reason to assume that it's any different at the federal level and doubt they are any more competent at their job..
  10. She wont. Her day of mortality will be the same as her day of resignation. So you want to give Trump 4 nominees?
  11. That the house and senate had all year to come up with a budget deal and waiting until the very last second to do it again. Same shit they did with Bush and Obama. If they did their job, the presidency wouldn't be as important.
  12. When was the last time we didn't have a threat of a shutdown? GWBush's first term?
  13. He conveniently left out the part where the House and Senate haven't been doing their jobs over the past 20+ years.
  14. We are only involved in Syria because Qatar and Syria couldn't negotiate a pipeline that would pass through Syria and into Turkey. Instead of negotiating, the middle east does what the middle east does. Kill eachother and use their money to lobby our elected officials enough till we get involved. If you think Trump is incompetent, then I don't see how you could argue you'd want him fighting this war and risking the lives of our troops over something like this. If Syria hadn't gone into full scale civil war, France probably wouldn't be in flames right now. Enough damage has been caused and we don't have the capability to fix it.
  15. "Nodules" is a nice way of saying she has lung cancer. Playing the odd, she has a 47% chance of dying over the next year.
  16. Definitely swung the election with that one. Almost as influential as the jesus masturbation meme.
  17. I certainly care whether or not Qatar gets to build that natural pipeline through Syria and into Turkey. Those young men know that it's their duty to risk their lives to improve profit margins of Qatari princes.
  18. Avenatti deserves the benefit of the doubt with regard to these allegations. Innocent until proven guilt doesn't have an asterisk next to it in my book. Political hits are happening all over the place and I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of them. I just don't see why anyone would bother doing a political hitjob on him after his Kavanaugh accuser thing fell apart so badly. He's already blown up his reputation all by himself.
  19. The better explanation is that Trump decided to fire Sessions a long time ago but planned to wait till after the midterms to not give Democrats the political ammo. Most people view the Russia investigation as bullshit but he didn't want to energize the Democrats ahead of the midterms. People have politics fatigue at this point. They are happy the commercials are over and are focused on football, NHL, Basketball and/or Thanksgiving/Christmas plans. It's a fantastic time for him to fire Session, push through recess appointments and revoke press credentials for Jim Acosta. People are only willing to consume so much political talk right now. All of this was planned regardless of the outcome of the election. Even the Acosta thing.
  20. Not even the most left leaning news source is claiming such a thing. Last night was a major disappointment because the maps were pretty much identical to the 2016 election and a vast majority of the seats up for election this time were Republicans. Next time, it's the Dems that have seats at risk and areas Trump won in 2016. Senate might go to 60 in 2020. Dems need to get their shit together and fast.
  21. Jesus.. just stop with this BETO shit. He's not going to be able to challenge Trump. Cruz was vulnerable as fuck and Republicans were abstaining for voting for him. Even then, he lost by around ~250k votes. That wasn't close considering how energized the Dem base was. They poured millions into making him a rock star and lost. No lessons learned from 2016. Beto failed for the same reasons I said before the election. He's keeping his track record too far left. Obama started as a centrist and moved left after he was elected. I get really sick of the "at least he has principles" shtick because it's 100% bullshit. He told his base what they wanted to hear just like every other politician has for hundreds of years in this country. They are all fucking liars. You can go back and look at speeches from 6-10 years ago and see the same senator, congressman and/or governor completely flipping their stances on all the hot topic issues. The only reason why no one can claim he hasn't flipped flopped yet is because he hasn't been in politics long enough. When the party message shifts again, you'll see all these clowns fall in line and change their opinion too. It's pathetic the way people are propping these opinion whores up.
  22. You seem to have given this a lot of thought.. You should bring your concerns to the @fbi and @atf
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