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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. What in the fuck are you talking about? How could that be enforced? They're sliding, not high stepping, their foot isn't more than an inch off the turf. If you're serious post a link to that legitimately stated by someone that knows wtf they are saying. Like the tackles being allowed to line up in the backfield it's a judgement call that has gotten more lax in the hope that not every single starting qb gets taken out. But there's a limit to it and will get called if it's too egregious
  2. Laying a fucking egg today, jeez
  3. Actually way closer on review...alas it's 4th down bitches
  4. Does Saleh know the other side of the white line is in bounds, and that's the 'get back' side?
  5. Ok nice Caddyshack reference
  6. Fuck you ATT. I must have the first gen smart TV because this stream is terrible. It's more like a "somewhat intelligent tv". Been booted 3 times by the stream so far
  7. Who was the holding call on?
  8. They should have had more coke if they really expected to get fuckface to show up. That's on them really
  9. Lots of $ for a guy with 2 more Tommy Johns than playoff AB or IP
  10. My high school team wasn't good, but both my sons had playoff runs and their games were big events for the whole school community. Younger sons team was in a 3rd round game 2 hours away in a cold rainy game, beating a team no one thought they would beat. It's a tight game, late in the 4th and they are busting their ass to win and advance and coincidentally extend the experience for everyone- parents, students, band, drill team, cheerleaders, other spirit groups and all their parents...and I hear the band director tell the kids on his little PA..." I know it's cold, but 5 minutes til Chick Fil A!" I couldn't fucking believe it ...that's your priority right now? Go ahead and go now and don't bother showing up next week
  11. That 2 point play wasn't going to work so it was for the best.
  12. This is a great game, and not gonna lie- Galindo is pretty good when not openly rooting against his employer. He's carrying the color guy who is awful.
  13. Opening kickoff of Furman- Montana 😆 🤣 . Nice work, Garo ( modern reference) 20231208_200540.mp4
  14. We're at a restaurant and one TV is showing espn2 and a show about Valvano...they're showing sports center clips and other headlines from then as if they're current . I'm eating, wife taps me on the shoulder and pointed at the tv..."Arthur Ashy has AIDS"...
  15. Tomlin is also apparently donning a wig and pulling off a Ron McKelvy type scam under the name Dino as a wide receiver for BC...pretty impressive
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