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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Don't forget the 1.18 million gallons of sewage pumped into the golf course. That seems like a lot https://www.kbtx.com/content/news/Report-118-million-gallons-of-sewage-found-flowing-from-AM-to-golf-course-Wolf-Pen-Creek-481553711.html
  2. I'm as addicted to football as a person can be and watching about a quarter and a half of that game made me start to dislike the sport. There are exciting low scoring defensive battles...and there are games like that one. Just atrocious football. If FSU got in to the CFP they'd lose by 28+. That's why Michigan reacted how they did to the Bama reveal. They wanted a bye --- FSU
  3. As i posted earlier we could not hear one fucking word this piece of shit said and it was absolutely glorious. After watching some videos where some of it is audible, his bumbling speech, butchering Sarks name, saying "it's all good" in response to the SEC chants, Sark sarcastically telling him "they love you" as deafening boos rain down, him restarting the speech to even louder boos ..it was all sublime. I'd love to go next December and buy a $15 ticket to boo this walking talking piece of excrement again and watch Utah play Kansas State in front of family and friends but I plan to be in Atlanta .
  4. Wow how does recruiting work
  5. Will is going to be what Mario was supposed to be. Difference being Mario didn't give 2 shits
  6. So 20 can just tackle King as he's making the tackle on 4th and that's cool???
  7. Not the one I posted about. ...I'm on a wanky stream so can't rewind it but I think it was 0 just drove him back and made the sack
  8. I was obviously referring to FSU dipshit
  9. Fuck you ATT/ DirectTV...you fucking money grubbing bastards constantly raising rates and taking channels away...
  10. I you have 4 spots for 5 conference champions who in their right mind would want this one?
  11. I couldn't hear a word that assnuts said in the stadium. The WWE guys were on the left of the stage and they got a big kick out of that reception
  12. Yeah Obviously the safety was the obvious fuck job in that game. But a hold on Youngs scramble, or PI on the pass to Sanders, or the ignored facemask etc were all crucial non-calls
  13. The Bama game in Austin was a real eye opener. I think they had 15 flags but it should have been 30. Hold every play, interfere on every pass, take cheap shots at every opportunity, grab facemasks ...hell they got QB1 out of the game for an 18 inch penalty after he'd throw for 134 yards in a quarter. And in the 4th quarter they got away with all that shit I listed above to pull the game out. If we got a single one of those calls in the 4th the game probably ends differently..
  14. Sounds like mom overreacted quite a bit. I've been led to believe by a thread, perhaps on this very website, that nurses can be a little freaky themselves. A couple fence planks is fairly harmless in the overall scheme of things I'd hope. Lord knows I would be a colossal hypocrite if I bitched about teenagers doing something similar to my house, especially in the act of fleeing Johnny Law
  15. And by worst you mean best, right?
  16. Theres got to be an explanation for this...Anybody check texags yet?
  17. Technology has sapped the fun out of being young. I'm glad I grew up when I did because parents out of town = some level of shenanigans every time
  18. The same Oregon that had a one score game with Tceh right?
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