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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Fucking hate Oklahoma. Worse than that, though, I hate how we come out like pussies every year against them while they come out with their hair on fire. Fuck.
  2. Ugly: Whatever the hell Jaylan Ford was doing out there.
  3. He starts every single game this why. Which is why sark ought to fucking know by now to run the ball.
  4. Did Jaylan Fire get paid off in this game? Because that’s what it looks like. Total incompetence.
  5. Run the fucking ball. You don’t ever start a game with Ewers throwing. Ever. He’s fucked in the head at the start of every game. How the fuck does Sark not know that by now.
  6. I’m most interested to see who gets the majority of the snaps at safety. This is our biggest weakness defensively.
  7. Our offense has turtled for significant portions of every game we have played in save possibly the Baylor game. I’d love to see us blow them out but unless our offense has turned the corner there’s a title too much kool-aid flowing in here.
  8. But McCoy injury was just sickening. Hate to see that happen to a kid.
  9. Who gives a shit where we are ranked Just win.
  10. He looked like he was limping trying to get to the pylon.
  11. Sometimes Sark does some really great things. Sometimes he can’t get his shit together. The exact same thing could be said about Ewers. The result is a frustrating offense whose potential is rarely recognized.
  12. I can’t wait to have a quarterback who can throw the deep ball.
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