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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Saban abandoned Milroe too early. This Buchner kid is not it. He throws like he’s shotputting it.
  2. I mean he’s getting better with each game, but let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks just yet. Hes still got a ways to go before putting it all together.
  3. I mean how stupid is this kid? ”Tech is 0-2, this is the PERFECT time for me to commit.”
  4. This is maybe the best sports weekend of my life.
  5. He looks like a jag. Looks like a doughy third string tight end. And he’s only going to get better.
  6. Milroe will improve. He has the arm talent and runs like a mf. And if he doesn’t, well, who fucking cares.
  7. I think Milroe will improve greatly and Bama will be a 9-10 win team. That run defense is filthy.
  8. Zero fucking sacks. Let your nuts hang, boys.
  9. So many great performances Ewers Mitchell Hill Worthy Majors! Burke Murphy Our lines were the best I’ve seen in a decade. Shit I’m pumped.
  10. In the shoe. At night. At Bryant Denny. At night. Who’s next, bitches?
  11. Flood earned his money this week. No fucking sacks. I’m stunned.
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