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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. So we might need to teach how to defend the option.
  2. So you’re saying it’s hard to get up for a lousy opponent?
  3. Every time we try to run some cute play it sets us back behind the sticks. Just move forward. Stop with the cute shit. And please let Sanders be ok.
  4. KJ Jefferson is not just physically slow.
  5. I turned this game on mid first quarter and have not seen Jefferson throw one pass.
  6. These are the dumbest teams in the nation. Arkansas only wants to run straight into the strength of the A&M defense. Aggy wants to run zone read with their only capable quarterback.
  7. Fairly surprised with how well aggie is recruiting given 5-7 and their current situation.
  8. I probably missed this but…why is this career threatening?
  9. Burrow is completely immobile and can’t push off with the calf.
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