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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Someone tell me why Kai Money is playing so much.
  2. Sam will got down as a good quarterback here but he never could develop a touch on the long ball.
  3. Say what you will, but Rattler’s a good one. He was ranked highly for a reason. He’s accurate and has an arm, and Riley will coach him up. He’s young right now, and that’s to our advantage. He’s also ugly as hell. But this is how it’s always going to be with OU as long as Riley is at the helm. Man up, punch them in the mouth, and beat them.
  4. I’ll bet you said the same against KSU and OSU and TCU over the last ten years.
  5. PTSD from the last decade has me concerned about this game. Herman better not fuck this up.
  6. Having only watched the third period, I’m just wondering… How the hell are we winning this game?
  7. You know, I occasionally unhide one of your posts, and am immediately reminded why I hid you in the first place.
  8. So can our receivers not get separation? Desk struggled to find guys all night. Until the last drive i don’t think we threw deep once.
  9. ......this thread escalated quickly.
  10. Can we get JQJ a series? Cause he’ll house one.
  11. My prediction is gonna be sliiiiiiightly off.
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