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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Yeah, but ... Short of getting to 52, the Dems are still going to be held hostage by these two.
  2. More ballots getting "found" in Boebert-friendly counties? WhERe aRE thE CyBEr NinJaS wHEn we NEeD ThEM!?!1
  3. Yeah, I was expecting this gif to be included in the tweet ... Or maybe the Office Space version.
  4. 4 days to receive mail in votes (11/12), 2 more days for voters to fix signature issues (11/14).
  5. Latest from the guy that knows NV: I think they normally finish counting toward the end of the week because they have to wait for last minute mail-in ballots.
  6. NV is more of a toss-up at this point. Latest from Ralston is that Clark County mail-ins might be enough for CCM to catch-up, but it depends on the number of uncounted votes there + number from Washoe County. Otherwise, sounds about right.
  7. Looks like one of the 4 "conservative package" members running for Leander ISD made it through (Gauthier), but thankfully not too much dumbshit creep into the school boards here in the Austin burbs. Three of four Leander ISD incumbent trustees win re-election, Francesca Romans elected to open seat | Community Impact
  8. Kornacki just said that it's conceivable at this point that the Dems could hold onto the House.
  9. If you look at what's left in GA, there's like 30%+ in each of Fulton, de Kalb, Cobb and Gwinnett counties, each of which will bring in a lot of extra votes for Warnock. Probably not enough to avoid a runoff, but I think he'll pull away late.
  10. Gotta be a bit careful about that data - some of the results for the big metro areas were showing for some races, not others.
  11. This. Or at least cut off the hurricane relief for these fucks.
  12. Not sure, but I assume it's because the President has to sign.
  13. Cue the "just locker room talk" crowd. Seriously, this fucker should hang right alongside Roger Stone and Trump.
  14. I would have guessed Applebee's, but then again, it wouldn't surprise me if several of them were banned there for getting into fights over them putting "the damn onions on my bourbon steak."
  15. Must be nice knowing the other party's supporters aren't so chock full-o-crazy that you can spout this sort of bullshit without worrying that someone is going to take a hammer to YOUR skull.
  16. I had some bonus candy and cash if I saw a "dead Ashli Babbit" costume this evening. Unfortunately, I was let down ... but at least she's still dead.
  17. Queue the "false flag" / "Manchurian candidate" talking points ...
  18. I watched some of the LISD Candidate Forum to try to get a sense for who the book-burning / mask-fearing / crying-about-CRT nutters were because it's difficult to figure out based on their published statements. Sanders, who definitely puts out nutjob vibes, made it easy for me by highlighting his buddies. These tools need to be purged from our school boards. I did my part. https://youtu.be/YR7wMxbcK_k?t=957
  19. You can get your tailored ballot here: https://www.votetravis.com/vexpress/display.do Just enter your data and there's a "View My Ballot" on the right side of the page.
  20. How is this motherfucker allowed to rule on anything relating to the 2020 election, let alone be empowered to do it fucking alone??? I understand it's just a stay, but as the Rs keeping fucking with the levers of democracy, I think we all can see that justice delayed is justice denied.
  21. I guess we're finding out that SS agents, at the end of the day, are just cops, and as we know, ACAB.
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