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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Of course Florida elected Jasper Beardsley ...
  2. He emulates Daddy Trump in every way. That is Trump-lite, down to the trademark "invisible accordion."
  3. Fair, but the bumpkins are definitely going to notice the conspicuous lack of drawl among the people on that commercial. I think it would have gone over better if there had been a few Bubbas in overalls pointing out that Herschel sounded insane to them as well.
  4. The ol' "tattoo on my dick" approach ...
  5. Come on, man - no way that's feasible. I mean, $50 per at most ...
  6. Are the Dems going to start getting better about messaging? I mean, it will probably end up achieving jack shit, but I like the barrage. We just need MSNBC to put together a video montage with something burning / blowing up / otherwise scary to go with this so that maybe they can shame the GQP into explaining why they're not concerned about this (after the whole "LEaKS1!!1!" shitshow in the spring).
  7. Gap03


    Solid segment about the whole CO shooting here, but the part with Mallory McMorrow (every time I hear her speak, I am more impressed) is especially powerful. There has to be some consequence for the hatemongers or this just isn't going to stop.
  8. Once they get through the obvious question, they should spend months on the real questions - (1) Why not more federal assistance immediately once the barricades were breached? (2) Why not more dead insurrectionists? That's an investigation I could get behind.
  9. Agreed. I'm confused - did he really just "Bob Dole" that letter?
  10. I'm assuming Acting AG "Big Dick Toilet Guy" isn't going worry too much about that cost ...
  11. This is all you needed to say. There is NO benefit from another special counsel appointment, only further delay. No matter what, Trump and his followers are going to be screaming "WiTCh HuNT!1!!!" The good news is that Fox News and the DeSantis wing of the GQP may not carry Trump's water this time around, so let's just fucking get to it, shall we?
  12. Fuck these fucking charlatans - they need to be chained to Trump forever ... Key Evangelical Figures Turn On Trump: 'He Used Us' | HuffPost Latest News
  13. It can be used for illegal transactions and isn't subject to dilution from money printing like fiat currency - but mostly illegal transactions ...
  14. This is absolutely the goal. Dem voting locations will have 5 hour lines. R locations will have no waits. And the Supreme Court will be like ...
  15. I'm holding out hope for a Hobbs win followed by a freak rattlesnake accident in early 2023, but not sure what the odds on that are.
  16. To paraphrase noted philosopher Jameis Winston, "If he skrong, we skrong."
  17. Think these are the Maricopa County ballots, apparently some of the last early votes, which explains why they may skew R (relative to the earlier stuff).
  18. Having flashbacks to playing high school sports in East Texas. If I ever hear another "And, Father, we just ...", it will be too fucking soon.
  19. Just curious - have CO and AZ said anything about when they might expect to provide updates? NV is providing daily updates in the evenings right? At the pace they're counting, it feels like they may take a week or so to get through the remaining votes in NV and AZ. Absolutely glacial, but I guess when you have to deal with AR-15 toting dipshits, I guess you have to make sure that there are no mistakes.
  20. For Bama, Trauma, et al.:
  21. I think a Gallego senate run is absolutely in the cards. Sinema is probably hoping that Lake pulls out the win - otherwise, she might need to stay out of crosswalks, away from windows, etc. in Arizona.
  22. Colorado, Nevada and Arizona all trying to outdo each other this year. Time to break the classics back out ...
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