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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Need a new "laughing / crying / angry" posrep for these sorts of posts because I always feel shitty for clicking the laughing or hook'em ones ...
  2. "Well, you see, his gun gets depressed when he's not around for more than 10 days, so he can't be expected to be in prison for more than 9 days at a time ..."
  3. Fucking Texas. Get caught with too much weed while being brown? Probably 6 months in the clink. Shoot and kill someone while modifying a loaded gun? 90 days. Fuck this bullshit. You want to play with big boy toys? Deal with big boy consequences when you fuck up doing something stupid.
  4. They need to bring back the Q thread to keep the nutjobs busy.
  5. If more of the MAGA crowd understood that he was mocking them, I think this would be more amusing.
  6. I wish kids across the state would hold a massive STAAR test day walkout as a very special "fuck you" to the Texas political leaders that have failed them.
  7. A great summary of where we are on this whole Clarence Thomas / Harlan Crowe situation by Jonathan Last: The recap is perfect and restated for emphasis: "Any one of these things and you might say, “Hmmm. That’s a little strange. But whatever. Rich people are weird and if you have a rich friend maybe they do weird friend stuff.” But take all of them together? Now we go from “a little weird” to “this is what cam girls hope for in a sugar daddy.” And call me crazy, but while it’s fine for Supreme Court justices to have good friends, I think it’s not healthy for the Court for them to have sugar daddies."
  8. Alas, if only he could have gotten fucked in his youth, I suspect he wouldn't be the piece of shit he is today ...
  9. Too bad they weren't all strapped ...
  10. Serious people like this guy and Katie Porter should be leading all Congressional budget discussions. It's too bad the rest of Congress has absolutely no interest in actually addressing the deficit / national debt issues and instead are just hell-bent on (1) pointing fingers at the other side and (2) ensuring the pork continues to flow for their constituents. Unfortunately, with the way the country is going, Jeff and Katie will be out of office in 2024 doing TED Talks. Oh well ...
  11. Charlie Sykes had a nice piece on the Abbott pardon this morning. I hadn't seen all of the details summarized like this before. If this is all accurate, it's fucking astonishing that he's considering going down this path. You'd think that the open carry cos-players that like to hang out at protests with AR-15s would understand how this could all play out ("he could have shot me in less than a second and he seemed so angry, I just had to gun him down first!"), but then again, I guess we all understand that this only works in one direction. Infuriating. Greg Abbott's Jury Nullification - by Charlie Sykes (thebulwark.com) And, indeed, that seems to be exactly what Abbott is signaling. ** Radley Balko breaks down what we know about the case: The court record is filled with details about Perry’s possible motivation. “There is ample evidence,” writes Balko, “that Perry intended to harm the protesters.” ** But in the right-wing media ecosystem, it is Foster who is being demonized, while his murderer is lionized. Writes Balko: “You only valorize Garrett Foster’s killer if you’ve convinced yourself that Foster deserved to die…. Balko’s analysis here is scorching: Exit take: This is how a cold civil war becomes a hot one.
  12. And this motherfucker would have gotten off with suspended prison / jail time (for raping a foster child over multiple years) if the court hadn't rejected his plea deal: Judge rejects Joel Koskan's plea deal in child abuse case (argusleader.com)
  13. ... he says with no introspection whatsoever ...
  14. Well, it would seem that he had so many concussions as an athlete that he wore a helmet when playing basketball. Given the correlation between CTE and impulsive / aggressive / violent behavior, maybe we could require a bit higher threshold before we let someone with this history buy a gun - especially an AR-15?
  15. Kinda hopin' he takes it to the next level and goes "How High" on one of the GQP reps ...
  16. It's a testament to how shitty Texas politics is when you have a discussion about the shittiest politicians in the state and don't even get to Ted Cruz (with shitstains like Gohmert, Sid Miller, Chip Roy, Troy Nehls, Jared Patterson, Brisoe Cain and Bryan Hughes still sitting on the bench). Fuck this state sucks.
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