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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Nightmare fuel. The eyes ... they're crazy ...
  2. Oh, you mean the Gillespie County in which each of Trump, Cornyn and Roy received > 80% of 2020 votes may not be able to hold an election in 2022?
  3. This will turn out well. The party of "It's the mental illness!" is going to invite PTSD-suffering vets in to teach and force them come to work strapped ("more good guys with guns!"). What the fuck could go wrong?
  4. Andrew needs to shut the fuck up, go sit in the corner, and do some fucking maths.
  5. "Jesus is king. God wins." is the "allahu akbar" of the 2020s ...
  6. Yeah, but that's not really consistent with the hedge fund model. Now the PE / VC bros? Definitely got to think of them. It wouldn't surprise me if Peter Thiel has Kyrsten on retainer for a variety of purposes.
  7. Koch Brothers Sheldon Adelson A lot of good thoughts in this thread, if we're planning ahead for other folks that have not died yet:
  8. Well, they fucked around, and now they get to find out what it's like to be one of those doctors at Planned Parenthood. Good luck sleeping at night, you lying Christofascist pieces of shit.
  9. Look on the bright side - there were actually a few people pushing back on that thread. I expected it to be a full-on circle-jerk in support of Tucker's agenda.
  10. Jesus Christ, Texas ... so many fucking embarassments.
  11. And Josh Hawley gave away their gameplan: Fucking morally repugnant cunt.
  12. Fucking this. Plus, the way he says "Texassss" at the end of a sentence grates on my nerves like Trump saying "Jyyyna."
  13. Lady on the right is putting out strong Aunt Lydia vibes ...
  14. Some of the comments are just perfect ...
  15. For those of you planning for the impending blackouts to hit, Amazon has a DuroMax 12kw portable generator (XP12000EH) as a Prime Day special for $880 (down from $1400).
  16. Texas women should be working on a vasectomy registry where men can authorize their doctors to certify their status as having had a vasectomy (and to update if they've ever had it reversed) and then proceed to cut off access to anyone that is not on the registry. Maybe that would get the attention of those in power...
  17. Jesus H. Christ - they're going to try to reinstate Plessy v. Ferguson, aren't they?
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