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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Am I the only one that read that in Smokey's voice from Friday - definitely takes it to the next level ...
  2. Yeah, has nothing to do with the fact that Trump oversold the prospect of a China trade deal, nothing at all.
  3. Irony is definitely dead, but that's not going to stop the Republicans from continuing to beat that shit into the dust for so long as anyone gives them a mic ...
  4. If only the Supreme Court understood (or would acknowledge) the difference ...
  5. I could watch that all day ...
  6. Perhaps load up on some Bill Miller BBQ for a couple of days as a special GOP tribute? Or would that just be for Governor Abbott?
  7. Nice trolling, down to the use of the Sharpie. How many weeks will Trump spend defending this, and which agencies is he going to force to come up with some supporting documentation for the Great Wall of Colorado?
  8. Is it time to start crowdfunding for a Facebook microtargeting campaign aimed at the WH Secret Service details, just in case?
  9. So what's to stop them from doing this with the whistle blower in the room? Maybe a head shot from a U.S Marshal? Not saying Gaetz or Nunes deserves a bullet to the dome, but I'd understand ...
  10. Don't worry - if push comes to shove, we can just blow up the Incirlik base too ...
  11. Yeah, but can these guys avoid the spikes that pierce human flesh and moots with alligators and snakes? Stupid libtards!
  12. What the actual fuck, lady?
  13. I was really hoping that some shows would start doing a side-by-side of the interviews and the talking points memo, where they highlighted each of the talking points as the Republicans hit each of them in succession. It would really drive home the GOP MO of just repeating their bullshit talking points over and over and over until the idiots start believing them.
  14. Can you imagine if Ratcliffe had actually been appointed as Acting DNI? Such a piece of shit, he would have fit this role for Trump so much better than Maguire.
  15. Nice start by Swalwell to focus on this element ...
  16. I like it. The only question is whether the preferred chant at the Weld rallies going forward will be "String him up!" or "Light him up!"
  17. No, no, I can't ... because that was sarcasm. I understand it's hard to tell in this timeline, though.
  18. Well, see, you have to remember that time Obama spent $200m per day on that trip to India, and then you'll realize what a bargain this limo service really was ...
  19. Was totally thinking to myself, "he looks like an Okie Tucker."
  20. Is it just me, or does the voice-over guy on that ad remind anyone else of the guy on the Wu Tang Financial skit?
  21. Looking forward to the "Money Bag Shirt Guy" taking over the reins of the Koch family eventually ...
  22. I'm sure Bill Barr is going to swoop in to make sure all of this goes away as quickly and quietly as possible. Nothing to see here.
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