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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Still wish Hillary would STFU. I'd totally be down if Obama did this, though.
  2. Bitch, please. I hated Massie since he pulled this shit: MFer graduated from MIT with an engineering degree, but that doesn't stop him from playing an imbecile with alarming regularity.
  3. This is a fair point. You can't overcome his pettiness and dumbfuckery without amending the DPA to require the appointment of a competent person by name or trying to make the "pandemic czar" a House-confirmed position (is that even feasible?). I mean, who in Trump's admin would you trust with this authority? It would have to be Fauci, right? Just another reason why we're fully fucked.
  4. Next state to watch is Pennsylvania. Their numbers have jumped up from ~1127 Wednesday evening to 2218 this afternoon, with the Philly area having about 1100 cases. I'm not sure if Governor Wolf (D) has historically had a good relationship with Trump, but it will be interesting to see if Wolf kisses the ring or decides to go the way of Governor Whitmer.
  5. It's astonishing to me that three of the absolute biggest cunts in Congress all came from Kentucky. Is there any doubt that, but for the necessity of their fine bourbons in this time of need, we would have either kicked them out of the Union or just nuked the damn state?
  6. President Quid Pro Quo strikes again. It's time for a fucking coup.
  7. Thanks for posting - agree on the zip code map. On the M/F infection rate, my understanding is that there typically isn't much of a difference - it's the death numbers that seem to be 2:1 M/F.
  8. Hands too big. Trump definitely doesn't have Uncle Sam size hands ...
  9. Jesus tapdancing christ. "Are stores going to waive that 30-day period where you can get your money back if you need to return something?" What a vapid cunt.
  10. SIAP but the following has some great charts showing how this thing is spreading: http://www.91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/ * I found the charts with all of the states super-interesting. They really drive home the point that it's not just New York that is in trouble - they're just further along. States that don't take action immediately will end up in largely the same positions. It looks to me like New Jersey, Michigan, Louisiana, Illinois and Florida will be the next hot spots. * Note that the control panels below each chart allow you to highlight specific states and change between total cases / active cases / deaths.
  11. Hell no - the chant only works on the cult if the words are all the same.
  12. Jive, how da you know so much about Frisco? Sorry. Couldn't help myself ...
  13. Liz Cheney with a truth bomb in contravention to Trump policy (quoting Seth Gottlieb no less). I'm stunned.
  14. There is absolutely going to be a resurgence of Central American hordes in October, this time all coming with COVID-19, intent on infecting any Texans that survive Dotard and DP's initial purge. BE AFRAID!
  15. While Boris is still an asshole, at least he's not a fucking idiot**: ** At least now that he's given up on the ridiculous herd immunity nonsense.
  16. That's pretty consistent with the early CDC feedback from last week. See bottom of the page here: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6912e2.htm And, yes, it's absolutely terrifying. A lot of people in the 45-54 range just assumed their odds of survival are pretty good - only 0.5-0.8% are dying. Of course, that assumes you get a ventilator. Otherwise, your mortality rate will be somewhere in the 5-10% range. Not so remote ...
  17. Wait - I thought all of this was better left to the states, right? So now the federal gov't wants to be able to swoop in and start arresting people for the good of public safety? I'm sure none of these arrested would share cells with COVID-19 patients ...
  18. Let me know when karma actually catches up with one of these lying assholes. I'm tired of being teased.
  19. And the White House - don't forget the White House.
  20. I'd say Burr, Loeffler and Inhofe are all cooked politically - making multiple sales all starting around 1/27 looks extra shitty. Johnson just sold one position at the start of March, so he might be able to explain it away, even though it's a huge amount.
  21. The end is nigh ... WTF is happening around here?
  22. Come on now. He's definitely going to make "Jina" pay for this. It's easy - more tariffs! See, Trump has been building up the trade deficit with Jina just so that he can make them pay the bailout through more tariffs. 4D chess, MFers!
  23. Holy shit - just got the video to come through with sufficient detail to confirm that OAN did, in fact, trot probably their only Asian reporter out there to ask that question. "See - it ain't racist! That was one of them thar O-reeee-ental types asking that question. Caaaan't be racist now." I refuse to get sucked into the "racist or no" debate, but had to chuckle that their tactics are so fucking transparent.
  24. Exactly. He's 100% doing this to rile up his base, and everyone bitching about it is just playing into his game (AGAIN). If China's withholding cooperation because of this, just say he should cut it out because he's fucking up our ability to respond to the crisis.
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