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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Reactivation is a scary concept, but hopefully it's just a matter of a small number of folks having mild relapsing symptoms because they weren't fully recovered but had just fallen below the test sensitivity. If it's reinfection, that would be pretty awful as it might suggest immunity only lasts 2-3 months in some subset of the population. That would mean that it would be hard to get people back to work and could mean producing a vaccine might be really tricky. Trying to give the entire country boosters every 2-3 months seems pretty impractical, even if we could produce a sufficient quantity.
  2. Why won't this fat fuck and/or Dotard just die already?
  3. That's a legit concern. For those that haven't read about what BLKNSTY is referring to: Couple that with the news about the GOP fundraiser that had just opened a business selling hard-to-find medical supplies, and it's the type of shit that will have you scratching your head. Hopefully Newsom has his supplies accompanied by some state military with embedded media because I could definitely see Trump trying to pull some shit, especially if Newsom gets too much positive press out of this effort.
  4. You know it is. Bonus points for anyone that can deliver videos of big, burly men with tattoos crying and thanking the President for saving them, their MAGA wives and the entire MAGA brood from certain Kung Flu deaths ...
  5. For those that were interested in the Maddow piece. I miss confidence-inspiring leadership like this.
  6. NSIAP, but an interesting story about the success that Newsom has had procuring masks on behalf of California (with the potential to provide some of the surplus to other western states): https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/04/08/coronavirus-california-to-get-200m-masks-per-month-newsom-says/ He was on Maddow talking about it last night. It's amazing to think what a united group of states - some might even think of them as "United States" - might be able to do for our healthcare workers if they banded together to act in times of crisis. Too bad we don't have "United States" acting on their behalf right now ...
  7. Yeah, but a negative net worth would seem to imply that he has any intention of paying off his debts, which we all know he does not.
  8. The ability to prevent the absolute clusterfuck that has arisen here in the U.S. isn't just some hypothetical - other countries were absolutely able to get their shit together and minimize both the number of deaths and the impacts on their economies. See South Korea. Were they uniquely attuned to the risk given their history with SARS, etc? Sure. But there is absolutely no reason why it had to be this bad in the U.S., but for the imbecile in the White House and his persistent need to dismantle everything of value that Obama had put in place. Short version - STFU with this nonsense.
  9. Skorj. Indastry. 182 countries. I might have thought this episode was a re-run if he hadn't updated the number of countries.
  10. Someone should make a tribute vid for Covid Karen with some of her Facebook posts set to Drake. I like the following part for her: I'm sure the family would appreciate that.
  11. Is this what you have in mind set up on Avenue of the Americas in NYC when the dust settles? I'm not saying I'd participate, but I'd understand ...
  12. Shit starting to get real in Florida today - 209 deaths so far today. That's 209 of 310 total, which seems suspicious. * DISREGARD - LOOKS TO BE BAD DATA ENTRY ON WORLDOMETERS. STATE WEBSITES ONLY SHOW 128.
  13. I love how it looks like he got charred from putting too much gas on the house before lighting it ...
  14. With the delays in test results and the super-high bars set in some states (like Texas) to ever get tested, the numbers of deaths (especially trends over a period of multiple days) may be the best indicator of coming hot spots. The problem is that deaths lag new infections by 2+ weeks, so you won't know whether social distancing efforts are having a real impact for some time, so it's possible that some hot spots may cool off if severe measures are taken before they flare up. I've been saying for some time that the next hot spots will probably be New Orleans, Detroit, Philadelphia, Miami, Chicago, Indianapolis and Atlanta. Boston should be added to that list. I'd consider Newark + CT to be part of the NY hot spot. With the patchwork of policies here in Texas, I could see Houston and DFW flaring up at some point, but there haven't been flashing red signs here in Texas just yet.
  15. I did - not much out there. When the main video touting his successes is a Q&A session with Rudy Giuliani, you end up fighting an uphill battle on credibility. Probably would have been more salable if they had gotten Igor Fruman to handle it.
  16. Bloomberg is going to be absolutely pounding Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania with ads about Trump's and the R's handling of this fiasco in the fall, and it's going to leave a mark. Each of those states is going to end up getting hit pretty hard, and between Trump constantly fucking with Whitmer and having DeSantis drive this thing into the ditch without even applying the brakes, the ads will damn near write themselves.
  17. We're lucky to only have 1.4x as many cases as any other country. We're lucky that Trump has put us in this situation. WTF?
  18. Still wish Hillary would STFU. I'd totally be down if Obama did this, though.
  19. Bitch, please. I hated Massie since he pulled this shit: MFer graduated from MIT with an engineering degree, but that doesn't stop him from playing an imbecile with alarming regularity.
  20. This is a fair point. You can't overcome his pettiness and dumbfuckery without amending the DPA to require the appointment of a competent person by name or trying to make the "pandemic czar" a House-confirmed position (is that even feasible?). I mean, who in Trump's admin would you trust with this authority? It would have to be Fauci, right? Just another reason why we're fully fucked.
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