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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Doesn't count as long as it only impacts browns, LGBTQ, muslims and other groups that they hate - you should know that by now. Just as a refresher: "He’s not hurting the people he needs to be"
  2. Or is it literal - as in, he's making the mint juleps for Lindsey, Rand and Mitch while they run a train on the republic? It's all so confusing ...
  3. Probably some limits, so not sure I would be on the cutting edge of this practice with Barr serving as AG. That said, I support the fuck outta these guys bleeding the rubes dry. Serves the "alternative facts" crowd right.
  4. I gotta say that Goldman has done a phenomenal job of staying even-keeled through all of Collins' bullshit. It's clear that Collins is doing his damnedest to get Goldman to pop off so that Fox can air snippets showing just how "blatantly partisan" Goldman is, but so far he has been unwilling to bite. I would have found myself going Pam Karlan on Collins' ass by now.
  5. Jesus, Joe has to put his hands (or mouth) on everyone. I'd love to see someone slap his hands off of them, just once.
  6. Of course, they had every reason to be concerned about the potential for increased corruption under Zelensky, given he had just been elected on a platform of - check notes - ahh, yes - anticorruption ...
  7. These two witnesses are phenomenal. I find myself wishing that Schiff would extend the 45-minute periods a few more times just so I can listen to them disembowel Nunes and Castor all afternoon.
  8. BTW - anyone else read this in Sam Elliot's voice? (Like the "Beef. It's what's for dinner" commercials.)
  9. So when do the redacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Stone get released now that this is no longer an "Ongoing Matter"? I'm really anxious to see what it says about Stone / WikiLeaks and their relationship with Russia. If there was a substantial basis for Mueller to believe that the Trump campaign knew that it was dealing with the Russians and he just pussed out on the basis that the evidence didn't meet some ridiculously high standard, I'm going to lose my shit all over again.
  10. So you're telling me that this clown car of an administration can't keep its ubiquitous lies straight? Shocked, I tell ya, absolutely shocked ...
  11. Do we really have to watch Nunes smear shit on the wall every day, just so Fox News has something to show on its evening propaganda run?
  12. After you lit it on fire, right?
  13. If I got a present wrapped in that shit, I do believe I would set the whole thing ablaze immediately.
  14. The best part is that 13 articles are referenced in support of the white nationalist part. Kudos for the sourcing ...
  15. This is interesting - is he going to point out that the military aid only changed as we've gotten close to the 2020 election? I don't think that's where he wants to go ...
  16. And that Trump is doing his damnedest to ensure that no WBs ever come forward again, so we shouldn't count on that solution next time ...
  17. God, I hope that they can get testimony that the gov't released the aid against Trump's wishes.
  18. LO F'in L - even looks a bit like him ...
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