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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. We'll know soon enough, considering the CPAC speaker list - that thing is a who's who list of miserable pieces of shit: Trump Pence Chao Devos Pompeo Mulvaney Kellyanne Ivanka Jared Don Jr. Ronna McDaniel Gorka Blackburn Cruz Liz Cheney Doug Collins Matt Gaetz Gohmert Gym Jordan Nunes Glenn Beck + many, many more. https://cpac.conservative.org/speakers/ If this thing takes out more than half of those people, I'll take it as a sign that there is indeed a God, and he's getting pissed about the shit that these assholes do in his name.
  2. See, this is the kind of Darwinism that we need. More Adelson events, more CPAC events, more Trump rallies as this pandemic proceeds. We just need to find a way to isolate them once they do their thing.
  3. What are the chances that the Dems use the 25th Amendment on Biden if he manages to get elected? The problem, I suppose, is that he will have been elected after already showing signs of cognitive decline, so people will say "this is the guy the people wanted" (just like with Trump's corruption and lunacy). Because of that, he'd have to go off a cliff for anyone to be willing to take action. Still, given the Democratic Party isn't a cult, it would seem possible that we'd manage to get a competent president before 2024. Fingers crossed for a truly strong running mate for Biden, just in case.
  4. But Dr. Nan and Trump told me nobody does the pandemic better than Trump and his people. In fact, many have told me they do the pandemic as good as Rudy does the cyber. Get your damn lies out of here!
  5. /Trumpkin/ "He didn't say that they should go to work. He said that a lot of people go to work and get better and it's no big deal ... even though they end up infecting co-workers and causing the quarantine of thousands of others. So get your story straight, Libtard!"
  6. Yeah, in 4 of the counties Bloomberg won, he did so with fewer than 150 votes. They shouldn't even bother to color those counties in on the D primary map ...
  7. From the Washington Post, the primary #s, based on 99.6% precincts reporting, are: Democratic: 2,481,849 Republican: 2,034,301 https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/election-results/texas-democratic-primary-live-results/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/election-results/texas-republican-primary-live-results/
  8. That graph definitely makes things look more promising - specifically: 1. The fact that registered voter increase in 2016 seems to directly correspond to increases in voter turnout. 2. The fact that there was only modest increase in R votes in 2016 - although I have to admit that it's disconcerting that a fair chunk of the additional turnout must have gone for independent candidates (I guess not all Gary Johnson voters were mythical ...). If the Ds can convert most of the Indy voters to D voters and continue the trend of picking up a significant majority of newly registered voters in 2020, Texas could be in play. Obviously, it's dangerous to make assumptions based on just a few data points, but I kind of buy into the phenomenon of Trump and the Rs pulling new anti-Trump voters off the sidelines.
  9. The best thing he can do for this country right here. Hopefully, he invites Sean Hannity and the rest of the Fox News night-time line-up to his rallies as well.
  10. Not sure how many of the 44,672 confirmed cases in this study had not run their course (i.e., the infected had not yet died but also had not fully recovered). Accordingly, I'm not sure that we have a definitive recovery rate yet. The takeaway from the preliminary data is that this virus is hitting the elderly, particularly those with existing medical conditions, hard. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130
  11. Based on early data from China, the mortality rates for COVID-19 are: 14.8% for those 80 yrs old + 8.0% for those 70-79 yrs old 3.6% for those 60-69 1.3% for those 50-59 < 0.4% for everyone else (decreasing by age) So you gotta ask yourself, is this the plague that we need, the plague that we deserve, or both?
  12. Gotta think that's a function of a lot of D voters out there still trying to figure out which presidential candidate they're going to vote for. All the "hurr durr" voters in Van Zandt aren't doing a lot of soul-searching before they vote - they probably printed out their EmpowerTexans endorsements and headed straight to the polls to show their undying love for the orange god.
  13. Yet, we've seen what happens to people who tell Congress to fuck off - exactly jack shit. And do we expect the DOJ to subpoena him? Just not going to happen. So who's going to do the questioning? Yeah - nothing matters.
  14. I have to imagine Bill Barr has some receipts that would hold up here, even to the cult ...
  15. Jesus christ - that's just pro rating the total delegates based on the relative number of members, and then rounding. It ain't rocket science. I'm surprised Yang's head didn't explode watching these guys stumble through this shit.
  16. A fucking lightning bolt would have been more appropriate, but given his propaganda did include some work on behalf of the tobacco industry, there is certainly some karma here: https://www.mediamatters.org/rush-limbaugh/rush-limbaugh-does-his-best-impression-60s-tobacco-executive
  17. How much longer before he loses that left hand because that watch is cutting off its blood flow? So fucking fat ...
  18. And this is exactly why Zelensky never admitted to being pressured - at the end of the day, he can't count on Congress to rein in our corrupt president, so he's stuck dealing with Trump and the GOP if he's going to get any support going forward.
  19. Is it too early for an in-depth post-mortem here? I'd be curious on people's thoughts about the individuals most responsible for the death of the Republic. I'll start, in no particular order: Rush Limbaugh / Rupert Murdoch - as leaders of the fear-mongering movement that led to the creation and solidification of "The Base" (you know ... morons) Koch brothers / Robert Mercer / Sheldon Adelson - for funding the modern GOP's efforts to undermine the principal tenets of democracy over the last several decades Justices Kennedy and Roberts (along with assists from Alito, Thomas and Scalia) - for their decisions in Citizens United (allowing the flood of dark money into US politics) and Shelby County v. Holder (killing the VRA because "there wasn't enough racism to justify it" (ha!)) Bill Barr - for his cover-up of the GOP's blatant criminality Mitch McConnell - for his tactics in packing the judiciary, covering up GOP criminality and generally taking partisan politics in Congress "up to 11" Donald Trump - for pushing the country into a post-truth dystopia (with an assist from Fox News / Murdoch) Who else shares the blame with where we are?
  20. I might have missed it, but did Romney or Murkowski say they'd vote against witnesses? I thought there was still a shot at 50 votes + Roberts, given Collins is in favor of witnesses.
  21. MSNBC is saying Nadler cut Schiff off. If so, Pelosi needs to take him behind the woodshed because he sucks compared to Schiff.
  22. This should totally be a series. Can we also get a reconciliation of the predictions of the impact of the tax cuts on the tax receipts / deficit by the various consituencies and the actual impacts? I'd love for this sort of thing to be the basis for a series of "Don't believe a fucking thing the Rs are telling you, dumbfuck" ads.
  23. Doesn't count as long as it only impacts browns, LGBTQ, muslims and other groups that they hate - you should know that by now. Just as a refresher: "He’s not hurting the people he needs to be"
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