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Everything posted by chase25

  1. I like this, see if it pays off
  2. Didn't have his best, offense picked him up, and he battled. He'll be ready next week
  3. We were 5-9 in the tourney coming into today
  4. Stevens hasn't looked sharp. Needs to get used to pitching in the heat because it is going to be the same in Omaha. I'll gladly take this floor though
  5. Damn, Zach whiffed an absolute meatball on that 1st pitch slider
  6. This zone is tighter than South Austin's mom
  7. That is what happens when they know they have to be perfect to beat you
  8. Eric just needs to get the ball in play, impossible to double up
  9. Arizona now up 9-1 on Ole Piss in the 4th
  10. Good AB by that kid, even better big dick 3-2 pitch by Tristan
  11. He wouldn't really mess with anything hitting 8th, would be way less detrimental hitting 8th than 4th and could potentially help Zubia see some better pitches.
  12. You can't bench a guy hitting .322 with 12 HRs but he needs to be moved down. It is hurting Zach too because teams aren't giving Zubia anything to hit knowing Ivan couldn't hit water right now if he fell out of a boat in the middle of the ocean.
  13. Time to move him down the order
  14. They'd like that fucking swing though
  15. David Pierce needs to put out a feeler to see if that kid wants to transfer here
  16. I don't understand why Ivan and Zach are all of a sudden chasing shit low and away, Zubia especially.
  17. Stones from a glass house, be careful throwing those
  18. HOLY SHIT pressure is ON in Fayetteville
  19. I hate Arkansas but Kopps is a bad dude, damn
  20. Arkansas looks like they are starting to press a bit
  21. Notre Dame's uniforms look way better today, need to burn that god awful green jersey they wore yesterday
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