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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blanton

  1. Makes me miss the old Thujone mspaint’s with him and Davis sitting in kiddie pools. Ah the good old days
  2. Blanton

    Bowl Game

    Bring back the Sun Bowl
  3. We beat the teams we expected to lose to. We lost to the teams we thought we were gonna beat. Just need to win that conference championship game and then we can start sucking each other’s dicks,
  4. So much money is on Cowboys. Fuck it, here we go. 50 down on the boys
  5. I think following the Dallas Cowboys is an exercise in Nihilism
  6. Notre Dame or the Chicago Bears. Both are doing pretty well, so I don't think Bobby will be coaching soon; unless a Blue Blood program needs a coach (tOSU?) due to off field issues.
  7. I agree with Jerry being entertaining. His scotch-fueled escapades make following the Cowboys quite a joy, whether in victory or defeat.
  8. Fuck Adrian Peterson, Dan Snyder, and the rest of the douchebag R-words fanbase. Love Colt and wish him an amazing game, but I'm gonna side with the 'Boys.
  9. Surly titty bar-gate into tailgate?
  10. Absolutely. As long as we don’t play Green Bay in the playoffs, I’d say we stand a chance against any team.
  11. This is the right answer. I would much rather take on WVU in a rematch over OU.
  12. When you thought Notre Dame couldn’t get any douchier, they go and take douchebagery to another level with those pinstripes. God I hope they get upset on Saturday. Go Orange!
  13. If you gambled in the surly bowl pick em... you'd learn to love all of the games. They all have strategic meaning. Bowl games are awesome if you're a gambler. Therefore, as long as the teams are at 6 wins, IDMAS IMO.
  14. Written with elegant prose. Like a 5-star general surveying the field of battle after a hard-fought victory.
  15. "...unprovoked homophobic slurs against the Band..." Yeah-fucking-right. God knows what kind insults the trash filling those bleachers have screamed at our players, coaches, etc. of the homophobic and racial variety. Fuck 'em and the goin' band from raiderland.
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