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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Blanton

  1. That's cool. Shane got his ass in there and at the end of the day got us a W. Shane has us in a position now that we haven't seen in 5 fucking years. Dude's earned a shot at another school after gritting his teeth and losing his starting job.
  2. For some reason this thread reminded me of this...
  3. Sucked back into the Cowboys bullshit. I think it's fair to say we can pull off 10-6, if you go and look at the rest of the schedule we could reasonably beat any team, and we benefit from NY and 'Skins being garbage. I don't think Philly is anywhere near last year's team, and we have personnel to grind out the wins a la 2016. Frankly, I like grinding it out for a wild card game vs. 1st round bye and an Aaron Rodgers miracle. Christ, what a wasted season 2016 was... Time will only tell...
  4. Holy shit that’s an awesome camera angle for a return
  5. The Hamm...Jesus Christ, y'all are going hard in the paint.
  6. Good call. We fall to Tech, OSU, or WVU
  7. False. Iowa State did Iowa State things and had their upset. They’ll regress to the median soon enough. I am 100% concerned about this team’s ability on the road in what are gonna probably be night games.
  8. I’ll take this system vs. the one in ‘08 that fucked us
  9. God bless this kid. He either dies a hero or lives long enough to become the villain.
  10. Hope I’m wrong. I just think we’re looking at a gauntlet a la 2008 where crazy shit happens that’s out of our control. Yes, of course, the competition is not nearly as strong, but our team isn’t close to the 2008 Texas Longhorns’ level of talent. And instead of national championship implications, we’re trying to make it to that game in Jerryworld. I’ll take an injured same right now vs. first drive of the 2018 Big 12 Championship against Oklahoma.
  11. Honestly, OU is gonna make it to the championship game with 1 loss. We are gonna need a miracle to get through OSU, Tech, and WV without a loss,
  12. There’s a hell of a lot ball left to be played. Everybody keep doing what you’re doing (rituals, alcohol/drug consumption, etc.) This Big 12 campaign comes to a close hopefully in Arlington, Texas (our Bowl game is a reward to the players IMO).
  13. There are no gimme wins on our schedule, unfortunately, What’s left of our home slate is against good competition and our away games are all gonna be slugfests. But what about Kansas? Kansas that late in our schedule will be a weird on account of Thanksgiving break and climate. We are in survive and advance mode. Every game is like advancing in a tournament. We slip up and the Moonshiners or cOcksUckers will back door their way into that game played on December 1st in Arlington. It’s too early to start sucking each other’s dicks.
  14. Blanton

    Charlie Brewer

    Kid’s family is wealthy enough to support their son as a preferred walk-on at UT. I don’t feel any remorse for these kids that weren’t offered. He could’ve become a Longhorn if he wanted to.
  15. Eloquent and to the point. Fair enough.
  16. Winners: Drew Brees, Nick Foles, etc. Lake Travis (losers): Michael Brewer, Garrett Gilbert, Baker Mayfield
  17. Irrelevant. We play to win championships. Ehlinger era baby...here we go. It takes a Westlake man to bring this program to new heights...
  18. Mack’s ass was on the line before 2004/2005. He squandered so much talent and got regularly raped by OU.
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