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Everything posted by Surlybastard

  1. It might be the audience at the rate they are going.
  2. Felder has to be thinking 'wtf do I have to do to get this guy down?' right about now.
  3. That's pretty much been women's tennis any time Serena isn't in the draw or is coming back from an injury for the last 10 years.
  4. What about added weight for actually winning a championship as opposed to just making the final 4? Like maybe double points for those years.
  5. Well ya, that would probably be for the best and the way I assumed it would be done.
  6. It would take 20 years of putting the foam into helmets and then cutting open the heads of players who played in the nfl with those helmets before we'll have definite answers on any of this.
  7. Magic and Isiah were definitely known for being pals(they did that silly kiss thing before each finals game in 88 or 89 up until Magic put a hard foul on Isiah or something like that) but I think Isiah was determined to win in Detroit and wanted to beat both the Celtics and Lakers in order to do it. Its a different culture now. We just have to accept it. No going back.
  8. There's two parts to that veto that go beyond just stacking the Lakers which had to do with money the other owners wouldn't get as a result of it. 1. It would allow the Lakers to not have to pay like $30m in luxury taxes which would go directly to the other owners and 2. other owners were worried that it would greatly take away from the value of the Hornets when they were sold and the owners divvied up the proceeds. Dan Gilbert was a big factor in Stern stepping in. He objected that the Lakers would simultaneously be getting a top 5 player for very little while also saving a ton of money which made it too good of a trade for them.
  9. I think the Lakers f/o is lining up to do at least one major trade this summer. Deng/Lonzo package for cap room, maybe sign Cousins and still make a play for Kawhi with Ingram and Kuzma and if it falls through they will still have cap room for Kawhi next summer.
  10. Rumors that the Spurs really want Fultz and something else. If the Spurs could fix his shot he could still be a serious player. The Sixers came out and said Fultz is the one piece along with Simmons and Embiid that they won't offer but I think that's so that if or when they finally do offer him the Spurs can think they've gotten some kind of victory because that's who they really want.
  11. What's this great culture you are referring to here? Isn't Philly the team whose gm or president just got fired for talking shit about his own players on fake twitter accounts? I mean Philly with Kawhi could make the finals so that in itself might be enough to get him to resign but is the culture reference to the team, the city or what?
  12. It doesn't change it much with regard to LA but I don't see any bidding war happening between Philly and Boston now for him. Philly knows now that their LeBron pipedream is over and they are only getting a one year rental and Boston has no Sixer superteam to worry about so will prob just stay out of it now. Sure they might just offer Brown straight up but I doubt Ainge would offer much more then that.
  13. Actually I think it just went down. Philly before could bid for KL thinking it would get LeBron to sign with them which in turn gives Kawhi more incentive to stay. Now Kawhi has even more reason to go to LA after the coming season. Spurs lost leverage with what happened today. They can still ask for more from the Lakers but they will now get lesser offers from other teams. Lakers would also be more confident with just signing him next summer seeing as they have LeBron locked up for 4 years.
  14. If the Spurs let Kawhi go to LA I think its a foregone conclusion that LeBron goes there also with PG. That seems like a done deal to me unless you are a Rocket fan holding out hope against hope.
  15. Great in the sense of a less athletic Rajon Rondo maybe who isn't a nutjob.
  16. Not only that but I think the Spurs holding onto KL just to spite him isn't a good look moving forward. It says they'd rather have their lockerroom in chaos for a year and not get any good assets just because they want to control Kawhi and hate how he tried to create leverage to get out. Today's nba players aren't going to line up to play for an organization that does things like that especially when its rumored that Pop will be stepping down by 2020. The Spurs should look to get max value now and then look to rebuild. At some point it needs to be done. I think moving him for the Clippers picks in the draft a week or so ago would have been the best move if the Spurs' brass is deadset against dealing with the Lakers.
  17. Here is how that studio income on movies generally works: The studio(if they have both production and distribution rights) take in about 60% of income the first month a movie is out which comes down by roughly 5% each month after that it stays in theaters. This % is lower outside of na and even lower in places like China. A blockbuster will also usually spend roughly 60-70% of its production cost on marketing. So Disney likely spent roughly $400m total on Solo at least. Then after a movie comes out of theaters a major movie will make another $100-150m for the studio via streaming, disk sales and rentals. So when it comes to Solo the break even point in terms of box office is prob somewhere in the $600-700m range. If it only makes $500m then Disney is taking a beating on it which is why I've heard they're on the verge of firing everyone who oversees their sw properties and putting everything on hold other than ep 9. On ep 8 for instance their bottom line profit wasn't close to the $1.3b it made in theaters. It would be more like $400m if that.
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