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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. Sweet! Onward through the fog and don’t look back!
  2. Holy fuck! A good inning. Carry it over to the plate guys.
  3. They all look outstanding when you suck at hitting them.
  4. I’m getting postal vibes. Or soon will.
  5. He doesn’t have any options. Throw it down the middle or get a walk.
  6. Can’t even make a post before we’re back on the field. Let’s go dammit!
  7. His best pitch is the one he’s not getting calls on. Naturally.
  8. Thank you BBall gods for the easy last out. Now, let’s fucking get into the game and hit this fucker.
  9. One pitch one out. 25 more for the other 2. Hopefully he can settle in going forward with what could have been much more damage.
  10. Dammit. Need to shut this down and settle in Lucas.
  11. A little more patience at the plate. Get the pitch you want. Profit.
  12. That works. My preference: Play them anywhere, stomp them into a stain, aggy returns to Big 12.
  13. Oregon fans seem to be having a good time
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