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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by GreenspointTexas

  1. https://getbeefy.shop/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYf-6DzaMDALNlOu5k0QKp4-IcvYMfW7jF5AnV9A-IK0gBVAGow6GarbNg_aem_hP7YeQOzwgjVHyxHQtxRSw
  2. im buying some more right now. I think lemon pepper is my fave by a hair
  3. Youre welcome. Which kind was your fave?
  4. L M A O aggy baseball finally takes off putting just “Texas” on the front of their jerseys, and actually puts “Texas a&m” on the front You know the league forced them to do that now that us and aggy in the same conference. Id be shocked if the old jerseys ever came back
  5. If this holds, itll be the second highest snowfall in houston history
  6. Aggy backing out of the DEI conference to bend at the knee to abbott is there anything they wont fucking back out of?
  7. Sedgewick is the only player i recognize on this team
  8. Havent been to Corkscrew in over a decade. Gonna try to go this week
  9. Whoever posted on here earlier about him ending up attacking people on trails around White Rock Lake hit the fucking nail on the head
  10. Just finished all 6. Damn good show. Other “modern” made western recs if you liked this one: The Homesman Horizon Hostiles Legend of Buster Scruggs News of the World
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