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Everything posted by RoyalBevo21

  1. How many times are we going to see this strategy repeat? Young somewhat attractive "staffer" things happen. - Oklahoma State "The Cowgirls" recruiting staff set up to have sex with recruits on visit - LSU "gangbang special" pretty sure she was on the recruiting staff just having meat parties with players and staff - Texas "Major Applewhite's below average side piece" she wasn't part of the recruiting staff. - Arkansas "motorcycle rides" Petrino's boner assistant - Georgia "strip club shenanigans" It seems like having a young semi attractive impressionable young lady around 85+ testosterone filled young men some shit is gonna happen.
  2. Now let's go back to say, 2009. All of these same arguments could be made for Texas, yet here we are.
  3. Thank you for your insight. I'm assuming the "Da" in your username stands for "District Attorney"? That's a bit better I suppose. I'm afraid to ask what your thoughts are on our legal system as a whole? The United States trails only China in the number of incarcerated adults (1,675,400 prisoners USA, 1,690,000 China) despite having over a billion more people. I saw an article yesterday in DFW that we're now giving people felonies and imprisonment for prostitution (unless you're in Nevada or your name is Robert Kraft). Not to mention countless others that have been destroyed for personal sized amounts of recreational drugs.
  4. Question, what is preventing humans that really don't like other humans to falsify things so that they get arrested? Does all someone need to say "he stuck a gun in my face" and regardless of proof or evidence we just round em up and haul em away? I agree if there's witnesses or evidence (a gun being in someone's possession) but if neither of those two things apply then what? Is your position really "most people aren't vindictive so we don't consider that" I really wouldn't have an issue for a person to be detained preceding a trial if: 1. Arrest info wasn't pimped out to the media so they could get clicks and traffic to their website. This causes people's life's to be ruined over something that hasn't even been proven yet. It's cruel and unusual in the social media era I'm my opinion. Go look at all the comments on Omenihu now based upon allegation. 2. A detainee wasn't extorted for cash for freedom. "Charles we don't know if you actually did this, but if you give us $10 grand you can sleep in your own bed tonight."
  5. Agreed on the above points because there's at least evidence involved (man holding gun at crime scene).
  6. That's the point though. Let's say he ran didn't do anything wrong. All she has to do is say "he pushed me" and here we are (I'm not saying that's what happened) but no proof or evidence has to be supplied and apparently an bench warrant will be produced and the cops are out looking for you. Another example is Antonio Brown (even though this dude is mentally unhinged) he had a warrant for throwing a shoe that hit his girlfriend's hair....... Situations like that make it seem like our legal system is just super pumped on locking folks up and shaking them down for money.
  7. That situation you just explained doesn't apply to the one at hand but there's the classic American take "let's punish everyone based upon the small percentage of horrible situations." We're not talking about Ray Rice knocking his wife out on camera. You're acting like Charles completely kicked the ever loving shit out of her. There are a lot of things that could've led to him pushing her. All of which I'm sure won't be believed because he's a 6'5 muscular male.
  8. This was supposed to go with my comment.
  9. Exactly! Where's the check and balance? The President can't even act on what he "thinks" without the approval of congress. The fact that this can happen in our system is nuts. Human errors happen in life, but when the ramifications are this serious it's terrifying that it seems like these errors are just "accepted". But I live in the opinion of I would rather the guilty (without enough proof) go free, than the possibility of locking up an innocent person. That's just fuckin evil.
  10. Which I think is insane. Isn't probable cause what some DA "thinks" vs what actually is? The whole point is we don't yet know what "actually is" yet our legal system has locked you up like an animal in a cage. Then we're so nice to our citizens that we allow their picture to be plastered all over the internet and the MSM write articles as if they were tried and convicted. These events are life altering and typically affect way more that just the "accused". Unfortunately this is mostly because the public is too dumb to understand accusation doesn't equal conviction. I'm in agreement that criminals if found guilty based on conclusive evidence, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But this culture America has, of locking adults in cages like dogs so some district attorney/prosecutor can put a notch in the win column is cruel and not in my opinion what our legal system was put in place to do.
  11. It's also wild to me our legal system just goes around arresting people on what someone says about you, not what's actually proven. Innocent until proven guilty seems like a dead concept. It feels like the opposite "she is accusing you of x, that seems probable so we're going to lock you up against your will."
  12. Exactly, they're old on the OL and in key positions.
  13. Mine is by far Blake Gideon dropping the easiest interception ever in Lubbock.
  14. Tackling in modern football is just straight up bad. Wow....
  15. He sounds like Kermit The Frog after 20 years of Marlboro's
  16. Their division is ass though so there's that.
  17. Yup, that's exactly what I was referencing. That book was crazy. I'm amazed Michael Irvin hasn't been canceled from stuff being leaked.
  18. Apparently Charles Haley had a horse dick according to Troy Aikman lol
  19. The QB Texas beat in the 2005 Rose Bowl vs Michigan.... Old AF
  20. Should write the check tomorrow and gtfo of this dogshit conference.
  21. Can nobody drive to the rim anymore? Launching 3's like this and not hitting let's them right back in it.
  22. Held tf outta DK wow on the no call.
  23. Sounds like that thing has some mileage.
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