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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

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Everything posted by Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

  1. He's a dipshit who writes the "hot take. Less than a month ago he wrote that Sark was a gamble hire who needed time to build his program. The guy is one of 10000 hacks who write for clicks... We need to do better recruiting trained killers in the trenches, period. Until then, play a QB who can execute while running for his life... Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  2. https://www.si.com/college/2021/09/13/cfb-which-teams-should-panic-after-week-2-miscues He said one thing right in the entire article and that's that we are soft in the trenches. No shit, and he gets paid to figure this stuff out? The fact we were favored by a touchdown is much more an indictment on dipshits like himself who keep overinflating what he's clearly seen as a weakness, than it somehow is an indictment of Texas and its fans. The fact that morons like this get paid to write about shit they know nothing about, and that his vote counts the same as mine, is why I like animals and plan to move to the island soon.... Ok, rant over... Carry on... Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  3. Ba dam cha! Try the veal folks, he's here all week... Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  4. Around here? I'm sure bama fans had a s*** fit after that game. People who think our fanbase is entitled have never pulled their head out of their ass and looked around. I've only been to one SEC versus SEC game and it was when Tennessee beat Alabama in Tuscaloosa in about 98 or 99. Tennessee was legit then and I think higher rated, but those bumpkins absolutely lost their shit... Can't believe DuBose wasn't run out of town that very night... Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  5. I've been in the corporate world for 30 years. Culture starts at the very top. Otherwise, why the f*** do you pay coaches millions of dollars a year? If Sark went into that locker room after the game and told the young guys to get ready because he was going to see who wanted to play football for the University of Texas as opposed to who thought seven and five was just f****** fine, then he's creating the right culture. If he didn't, welcome to many more years of ass whippings by toothless rednecks. All the other bullshit about wokeness, interference by donors, blah blah blah, ain't got shit to do with getting your ass whipped by the guy on the other side of the ball. That's on the Coach. Two games does not a culture make. Let's be generous... Give him 5. Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  6. Pretty weak but a different time. My coaches were more like Bud Kilmer but more Klansy.... Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  7. There's another angle to this. Right now all the attention is focused on Sark and his decision. That keeps the media frenzy and immediate second-guessing off whoever his starting QB is going to be. Both guys get to prepare in relative quiet. That, and fuck Louisiana... They don't set our agenda. Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  8. Sew! Sew like the wind! Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  9. I would have preferred the PAC for travel destinations, but this is the best move football wise in the long run. I don't have any doubt we'll be competitive and don't give two shits if aggy is on our pod or division, etc. Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
  10. Heh heh heh... You said "trim..." Sent from my motorola edge plus using Tapatalk
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