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Captain Obvious

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Everything posted by Captain Obvious

  1. If you're still expecting Disney to give a shit about every single line/situation muttered in the 70s/80s movies and keep continuity, I'd argue you're more delusional than Aggy.
  2. So when do they officially apply to join the SEC, I mean NATO?
  3. Maybe with all the allegations/NBA investigation going on, if might behove Sarver to actually open the checkbook for once.
  4. Do the Celtics have an offensive gameplan other than keep launching 3's and hope they start falling ahain?
  5. Douchey techbro owner gets somewhat of a pass from me so long as he keeps willing to write the huge luxury tax bills for a championship contender. Most owners have to dragged kicking and screaming into paying any luxury tax, championships be damned.
  6. Eh, find me a fanbase that whose court side seats aren't filled with either those fans or 40+ year olds wearing team jerseys they just bought on the way to their seats.
  7. Missed the first 10. Lots of sarcastic cheers when he hit the last one.
  8. Weren't the concensus candidates for the #1 pick that year KAT or Jahlil Okafor? Minnesota still made the right call despite all of KAT's underachieving so far.
  9. I still don't think the Bulls have a realistic shot of making the finals, injuries aside. Like you, I assumed the Bucks would flip the switch in the playoffs, and maybe they still will. But even if they don't, Celtics/76ers/Heat won't have the same letdown in later rounds.
  10. Were the injuries real? Yes. Do I give any benefit of the doubt to Simmons and Zion in particular that they weren't exactly putting forth their best effort (anything above the bare minimum) to get back on the court? No. They've given nothing to show they aren't milking their injuries for as long as possible.
  11. I think the reverse jinx needs to be a little more subtle for it to work.
  12. Imagine the TV exec tears if we get Arkansas - St. Peters instead of Duke - UNC next week.
  13. The announcers keep telling me that UNC got on a roll that hasn't stopped since winning at Duke. Did that beat down at the hands of a mediocre Virginia Tech in the ACC tournament magically get erased from history?
  14. Should've fixed the offensive line instead of giving up all those picks and cap space for Hill. Tua might be fine as a qb with a Kirk Cousins-like ceiling, but he's not gonna get that chance with no pass protection, no matter who his receivers are.
  15. Packers need that extra 1st rounder this year to draft Rodgers' replacement since Jordan Love isn't panning out.
  16. Fuck Mearsheimer and his Putin apologist bullshit. Apparently, all Russia has to do is claim they see something as a threat, then if the U.S./West follows through on anything they claim is a threat, the bulk of the blame for the following "crisis" lies at the feet of everyone but Russia.
  17. https://www.staradvertiser.com/2022/03/07/breaking-news/pentagon-to-shut-down-leaking-red-hill-fuel-tank-facility/ This was way overdue. Inspections were basically non-existant, the facility was understaffed, and for months they had no idea how the fuel got into the Navy system until they reviewed original plans and found a drain they didn't know existed. Military and civilian families couldn't use their water systems from November. Some areas still haven't had their water systems cleared for use.
  18. It's really only a leap for the portion of the Russian populace that still buys whatever he says. Attempting a false flag by killing his own soldiers isn't going to lower our opinion of him any further.
  19. As opposed to just siphoning off funds for all manner of military equipment, not telling most of them till the last minute where they're going, and leaving them with little to no real plan? He's killed many of his own soldiers already.
  20. Hopefully be vaporized immediately. 0% interest in being involved in the decades of shitshow that follow assuming everyone isn't dead already.
  21. "Take it down, I don't care. Hit something hard, I don't wanna limp away from this wreck."
  22. People gonna shoot down the incoming nukes with their pistols. Duh. Just like shooting at the hurricanes to knock them off track.
  23. The Broncos thing looks flimsy at best unless he's got video somewhere of Elway showing up drunk and fumbling through the whole thing. Everything he claimed about the interview is purely opinion at this poimt, and Denver hired Vance Joseph as the previous head coach. Could Elway and ownership still be conducting sham interviews with minorities? Sure. But convincing a jury of that beyond reasonable doubt when they literally just had a black head coach is not going to happen based on what Flores has presented thus far.
  24. Giants say not so fast my friend. Does a female director of coaching operations cancel out sham interviews? https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33204636
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