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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. I don't really believe it's easier to win or even recruit at LSU vs OU, but I do think it might be a good idea for Riley to take that job. OU will likely start losing 2 or 3 games a lot more often in the SEC, and their fans will not be satisfied with those seasons. He should take the pay day while he can.
  2. Their uniforms actually said the singular "Jayhawk". That is the type of attention to detail that it takes to lose 10 games and beat Texas.
  3. What does it say about firing a coach before one year?
  4. I don't understand how he wasn't fired last night.
  5. These guys have "Jayhawk" on the front of their uniform. JFC.
  6. That's only because he's never been down to Kansas at halftime.
  7. This is going to end up being a 14 point win, with Leipold on suicide watch.
  8. I could be wrong here, but I believe one of the primary ways the billionaire class avoids paying taxes is by spending a lot of money buying votes and persuading poor voters with propaganda to not support policies that increase taxes on them. You can't beat a simple tax code by being smart. You either cheat the code or pay the people writing the code to loophole yourself out of it.
  9. The Illinois/Penn State game would have ended this morning by safety.
  10. I think college football should bring back the tie game under certain circumstances as a way to shame teams. Finish regulation with a 0-0 score? Fuck you, you tie. Go through 2 overtimes where both teams only get field goals? That's also a tie. 2 point conversion attempts are for teams that can score touchdowns.
  11. The thing about college football is that there aren't 25 good teams. I can't complain about a 3-0 team with lopsided wins over Stanford and Nevada being ranked 25th.
  12. Short sleeve button up shirts with ties as far as the eye can see. It might be glorious, but calling it a rivalry today seems pretty strange.
  13. The biggest football rivalry in the new Big 12 is easily Farmageddon, the game that Kansas State always wins due to some hilarious Iowa State fuckup, other than last year when Iowa State won by about 60 points.
  14. Can someone from out of state sue a Texan who has an abortion under this law? Could someone surveil an abortion clinic in Oklahoma City, write down all of the Texas tag numbers, and then start suing the owners of the vehicles in Texas?
  15. Yeah, it feels like I heard a Nickelback song, kind of liked it, and then made the mistake of going to see them in concert. Never going to mention that one.
  16. I don't really think most people watch college football based on the quality of the product on the field. It's more about supporting the school you attended, or supporting a local school in your state, etc. Nobody watches the XFL, and the quality of players there are sort of similar to elite college football. So cutting the low quality teams probably actually cuts eyeballs because people who watched those games aren't going to start caring about games across the country. And you also lose the ability to hype up a big matchup between an 11-0 team and a 9-2 team because there will be very few teams with records like that.
  17. I think the collection of schools participating might look somewhat different if a new mega-league were to be formed vs going with the 4 existing conferences. I don't think the bottom half of the B1G would make the cut, anyway. Well, Nebraska would make the cut. Their peers (Indiana, Rutgers, Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern) would get left out.
  18. Moving forward, "on the field" will matter more than anything else. TV sets will be less important than actual viewers, and I think the B1G will regret decisions like adding Maryland and Rutgers.
  19. It's probably the smarter investment, the way things look. The people who care about college sports will become even more regionalized than they already are as more schools get left out of leagues that matter and rivals stop playing games. The pieces of the pie get bigger, but the pie itself gets smaller.
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