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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. I half expect him to get convicted of something like tax fraud, get sentenced to house arrest, and then run in 2024 and get the nomination anyway.
  2. Like any company, Disney is going to fire an employee who costs them more money than she makes them.
  3. Things aren't going to be better until these dipshits abandon the idea that being a crybaby bitch is some sort of conservative principle.
  4. Maybe they should shift gears toward naming their schools after terrible people. It's a lot easier to find agreement there. They could have a Hitler High, Trump Elementary, Matt Gaetz school for the gifted, OJ Simpson Middle School, etc.
  5. She doesn't strike me as someone who would hire a competent staff.
  6. The law treats Rudy like an ape, not a monkey. Common mistake. We should all prepare ourselves for the classic "damn you all to hell" defense, followed by a few thrown turds.
  7. Jeff Besos pays taxes Way more than $2000 of the stimulus money is going to find its way into his pockets.
  8. A 3 party system would never work in America. Our constitution requires 270 electoral votes to win, and that never happens if 3 candidates are picking up states. There is always the obvious solution of scrapping the electoral college, but good luck with that.
  9. Traditionally, you would be able to tell by looking at the tip, but a lot of Gentile laser beams also get circumcised in this day and age.
  10. The loser tends to concede when the votes are still being counted.
  11. I really don't see the strategy working with a commodity, but I'm very interested in seeing how it goes. If it works, I have half a mind to set up r/farmsteeetbets.
  12. If Trump's traitors would have had that convoy, our senators would all be dead.
  13. I'm just glad I don't live in a 3rd world shithole where anyone would ever attempt this sort of thing.
  14. This only works for those wealthy enough to itemize deductions. The standard deduction is more than 20% of joint income for most families. They aren't itemizing SALT.
  15. Just repeal the entire tax cut and try to cut taxes again in a way that makes more sense. Don't apply band aids here and there.
  16. It's up to Arizonans to vote them out. Not much else that can be done. The structure that makes those sort of shenanigans possible is the same structure that makes the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact possible.
  17. Yeah, I was thinking the other day that things here will eventually get better, like they did in Germany post-WW2, but within my lifetime, things are only going to get very bad. If you have options, it's really not in anyone's best interest to remain in this country.
  18. I'm lost. Which of the sheep is the farmer humping?
  19. I think there should be a set of standards that have to be met in order for anything to advertise itself as "news". Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax would be less attractive to old people if they couldn't call themselves news.
  20. Secession is a terrible idea. That's why it might happen.
  21. I suspect we will here more about Texas Secession. Also, we will here about bottom-feeder states like Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas trying to get Texas to bring them along. It will be just like conference realignment.
  22. I can remember back when bringing terrorists to justice was a unifying action.
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