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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. Kansas State alum here, and I can say that I don't hate Texas at all. More indifferent than anything, though I loved playing them in the long long ago when both programs were actually good. I do hate Nebraska. I love Scott Frost and everything about him, love that their "loser" quarterback is going to step foot on our campus and immediately compete for a conference title now that he is actually surrounded by talent, and love that Nebraska will probably miss a bowl game for the 6th consecutive year. I will tune in for that. Can't say that I will care to tune into Texas games in the SEC unless they are actually relevant or playing someone relevant in a late season game. Wish them only the best.
  2. The cops were the ones running the clock out. They won. The kids are the ones who ran out of time.
  3. Well, they do have lights and sirens and most of the traffic does still pull over to the side of the road to let them pass.
  4. Nah, too hard to burn the cross down there.
  5. The suspension with pay comes first. Then they get promoted after their vacation when everything has blown over.
  6. You aren't wrong, but we won't even get age limits or background checks. Best case scenario is that guns don't get made even easier to purchase.
  7. It's a really bad look, but a couple of our elected democrats are perfectly fine with these shootings, just like every elected republican is. They don't have the votes. They probably should vote, anyway.
  8. If it were simply a problem with screening, this would be a lot more understandable. The unforgivable thing about this is that the organizations actively cover rapes up because they have a major financial incentive to do so. If you attend an SBC or Catholic church, find a different church. At the very least, don't give them money. And Baylor, Penn State, and Michigan State shouldn't still have athletic departments. If I were an alumni of any of these schools, I would be done with them. It sucks that the government, the NCAA, whoever doesn't do anything, but we have to do our small part, too.
  9. Eh, OU will likely make the CCG (assuming Venables isn't a huge failure), but Texas would have to get a whole lot better in a short amount of time to be the favorite to win any of those hypothetical divisions.
  10. Even if they were able to clock the ball, wouldn't it have been better to take 2 or maybe even 3 shots at the endzone rather than getting one shot from the 30 yard line?
  11. Yes, this was the most unrealistic part of the movie. At the point the crowd could physically see the comet, they would immediately acknowledge its existence, pretend to have believed in it all along, and put the blame squarely on the people who had been trying to tell them to look up and do something about it the whole time.
  12. The Big 12 only sucks because Texas sucks. If Texas were as good as they were 20 years ago, a lot of people would view the Big 12 as the best league.
  13. I think he ends up at Kansas State.
  14. Probably was talking to this guy: https://247sports.com/player/jaren-kanak-46102946/ Hays is rural enough.
  15. I started to post something making fun of him, but then I thought that it kind of looks like maybe it's burn damage or something and I didn't want to be an asshole about that. Is it burn damage?
  16. It's possible that both Cincinnati and OSU make the playoff this year, though.
  17. Colorado used to be a very good program. It's hard to believe, but it's true.
  18. Venables would be a home run hire for a middle of the road program who can't afford a sure thing. He seems like a pretty big risk for a program like OU who can go get a sure thing. That said, I thought Tom Herman at Texas was a sure thing and I also thought Lincoln Riley didn't make much sense when OU hired him.
  19. A bunch of programs have this happen to them every single offseason. The only thing unique in this case is that it's happening to OU.
  20. I haven't met very many of them, but I am willing to bet that if in 2024, Lincoln Riley has averaged 9 wins per season and won the Pac 12 one time, he's not on the hot seat.
  21. It's why leaving was by far the best decision he could have made. He's not winning the SEC regularly the way he did the Big 12. He can do that at USC, but at this point USC would be thrilled to death to win the PAC once every 3 or 4 years. He gets lower expectations, an easier path to national championships, and a ceiling that is just as high as at OU. He also gets more money on top of that.
  22. Texas got a lot better players and a lot more prestige and pollster love when they were winning 10-12 games every year vs barely getting to .500 in a typical season. Texas will still be a preseason top 25 team next year playing in the Big 12. I'm not sure how much more love the pollsters could possibly give you. Program matters a lot more than conference affiliation.
  23. I'm thinking Lincoln Riley is their Larry Coker.
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