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Posts posted by DougO

  1. 7 hours ago, Watashi said:

    As i recall there were three of these sets, an old west version and a military set.  We had this one22dc18d6ed469a6a4a0597a025a3c851.jpg

    I got the elephant rifle for Christmas when I was knee-high to a junebug. It was the most awesome thing I had ever owned...perhaps sill is. A couple fo days later I took it with me to grandma's house a couple of hours from home for the family holiday visit. It disappeared. Just as we were leaving the little shithead cousins ran up with it, it was covered it paint, an awful blueberry puke color, with no rhyme nor reason. They said, "we painted it for you!" Heartsick to the bone, I swallowed my crushing disappointment and replied, "you can have it." They were stoked.

    I cried in the back seat of the car for half the trip, then my soul just died. There was no justice to be had, no retribution, no apologies offered, no sympathy. They destroyed my favorite thing in the world, and nobody gave a fuck.

    It was perhaps the most traumatic event of my life, completely destroying my trust in human beings.

    Anyway, TMI. That's probably the main reason I became an asshole.

  2. 2 hours ago, noharleyyet said:

    That 40 min Mayer video tho....sounds like one of his shows.

    Dude can flat out play but when he starts talking......

    Or singing. I can't fucking stand the sound of his voice in either mode.

  3. Your assessment is correct. But its hard to see Thompson's value with the Cowboys. It wouldn't have made a lot of sense to sign both Hurns and Matthews, but Matthews is a far better player than Thompson. Thompson didn't even play a significant amount of special teams after the first few games last year. He was an adequate KO returner at one point. I just have serious doubts about him being as much of a contributor as even Butler was. I wouldn't even bet on him sticking on the roster. It just seems like the Cowboys got nervous and jumped the gun with that signing.

  4. 1 minute ago, Hunchback said:
    5 hours ago, DougO said:
    Probably doesn't count, but here are a couple I made for King's X, unofficial street team posters, back in the day.

    Read more  

    Definitely counts. I think I was at that Ogre Tones show. King's X has to be one of the best bands that never really made it big.

    Damn straight. Love me some King's X.

  5. Drive-thru is for suckers anway. They always fuck up your order. I think they do it for entertainment.

    Go inside, get your order faster, don't burn gas waiting, and hoard all the ketchup you want.

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