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Posts posted by DougO

  1. Matthews had nearly the same number of catches in half the time and a much better target/catch rate. He has a history of being a decently reliable receiver, unlike Thompson. And he's dirt cheap.

    4 hours ago, TornACL said:

    I don't love Jordan Matthews and he's coming off an injury riddled 2017. But I sure do like the economics. I am trying to see what Thompson did last year that would warrant doubling his pay over his 2017 1 year deal in Buffalo.

    Ironically, I would assume Thompson saw more playing time last year because of Matthews' injuries.

    Correct. An older guy playing behind Matthews because he's not very good got a million guaranteed, while Matthews, with an actual track record of production and in his prime got a fraction to play for a smarter team that just traded away their top receiver.

  2. 4 hours ago, Planet Houston said:

    Are napkins the most expensive things on earth for restaurants from a cost perspective?  That's the only explanation I can come up with for how fucking stingy most restaurants are - and 99% of the napkins that are locked up like the gold in Fort Knox are the one-ply, super shitty napkins.  

    I can't stand it when I either get one napkin handed to me with a to-go order (somewhere like Salata) or I have to go to a random corner of the restaurant to find the one dispenser that is stuffed so full of napkins that it's impossible to get a single one out.  

    In short, fuck the "to go" napkin policy of almost every restaurant out there.

    Napkins and simple condiments in a lot of places where you can't even grab a pouch of ketchup without special behind-the-counter supervision.

  3. The viral proliferation of aggyscum propaganda merchandising in common apparel retail.

    For example, I was a JC Penny a while ago looking for casual t-shirts, like a nice Texas Rangers shirt (which they don't have now). It was about 50% comic book crap and 50% aggy, with only a spec of Cowboys gear and no other visible team apparel of any kind. It's 100 miles to aggy.  Academy is similar. They have ten times more aggy stuff than any other team stuff.

    Aggy must be losing tons of money printing all this crap that won't sell just to create a fictional appearance that everyone wants to be aggy.


  4. I'm going through this phase of playing where I'll pick up a guitar one day and thing, "wow, I've never played this well before, ever." Then a day or too later I'm like, "why do I suck again?" And I can't seem to remember what I was doing before when I didn't suck as much.

  5. Jordan Matthews just signed with the Patriots for one-year, $1 million, only $170,000 guaranteed. 

    This is a vastly better cheap signing than the Cowboys signing of Thompson. I always thought Matthews was a pretty decent receiver in bad situations. And if he isn't, he's cheap to cut. He's had three seasons over over 800 yards receiving and 20 TDs in four years. Thompson has 1032 yards and 4TDs total in six seasons. Matthews is even probably a safer bet than Hurns at a fraction of the price, though maybe not as much upside potential.



  6. On 3/27/2018 at 9:12 PM, cactusflinthead said:

    If you have a patio with sun you can have tomatoes and peppers. 5 gallon bucket redneck tech.

    I've had good luck planting squash in an old beat up wheelbarrow. This year I decided to try a couple of poblano plants.

  7. The only time I ever had a flare up in my UDS was the one time when I decided to not use a water pan. I can get it going and it pretty much holds wherever I want it within 10 degrees for several hours. The main difference between a UDs and a WSM is the lack of a side door...and the cost.

  8. Satch has great tone. It's one of the things that really stands out when you seem live.

    I'm not a huge fan, but I respect him a lot. I admire how he can shred any kind of speedy impressive technical licks you can think of, but he chooses to focus first on crafting a tune and a groove. He throws in the fancy stuff here and there as an accent.

  9. 2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    JB is a great player but I find everything else about him off putting. The slicked back hair, the suit, the sunglasses, the way his concerts are promoted as “the guitar event of the year”, etc. imagine Gary Clark Jr doing that.

    How bout you just let your music do the talking?

    JB is the most self-promoting guitar player I know of. I remember back in my earliest internet days when I would scour for music I kept running into his web presence when he was still an unknown teenager. He was really aggressively pushing his image and announcing his pre-fame while comparing himself to legendary guitar players.


  10. 2 hours ago, Thermos H. Christ said:

    I see it and raise you


    Kinda cool.


    Dale's was just a Squier, though. I kinda freaked when I saw it. Must be a backup guitar since it was a hot day under a tent. The coins on that thing are probably worth more than the rest of the guitar.


  11. I made my UDS (ugly drum smoker) for about $100, starting with a clean $25 barrel. And it is ugly, but I've cooked a lot of good stuff in it. Fantastic for ribs, especially. If you feel like making something on your own that isn't that difficult it's a good way to go, pretty much same deal as a 22-inch WSM.

    Get a barrel that already has a lid and there's no cutting, except for a few holes with a hole saw and drill. No welding at all.

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