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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. Sounds like you don't have enough HDMI ports.
  2. You're going to have to clarify who you're talking about given this team and coaching staff.
  3. I think they hit like 25 or 26 against PHO earlier this season. They are damn, damn good. Is @InkaUtexas our only Celts fan?
  4. Yeah well he wasn't facing Jack O'Dowd against Tech.
  5. Marketing directors everywhere when they found out that Jokic could act. Been seeing him in a ton of ads.
  6. Terry that's not how you land recruits. You need to stand back to back and do some gay little country jig in slow motion while Garrison twirls the ball around.
  7. ztejas

    USMNT 2024

    Have we ever played Weah at the back? Seems like an obvious solution that Gerg wouldn't do for some stupid reason. What we really need is to clone Antonee.
  8. Taste of your own medicine, eh?
  9. It's a problem until it isn't. He was .246 on 2.4 attempts last season and was .308 on 3.1 this season. These things aren't typically linear but if he did that again he'd be .370 on 3.8 attempts which is all he will ever need to be from 3. Even if he improved half as much going into year 3 he'd be at .349 and 3.4. We could sure as hell live with that. He pretty clearly works his ass off - we'll just have to see if he caps out as a Draymond-level, ~35% shooter or if he can turn into a guy that you really can't just leave on the perimeter.
  10. ztejas

    USMNT 2024

    It is a big loss. Calling the guys behind him "servicable" is generous. Fortunately we should have TA back and in form.
  11. If you're a senior in HS taking art history and aren't showing up under the influence you're doing it wrong.
  12. It has nothing to do with abortion rights. He either throws out cases or gives slaps on the wrist to repeat offenders and violent criminals. We need a vigilante to just start wasting these losers. Barely kidding. Watched The Watchmen the other day and feels like it's hitting a little close to home these days.
  13. In case anyone's OOTL.
  14. The refs do what they can, for sure. Jokic is the 2nd coming of Duncan. He's too good for the league to rig anything even if they tried.
  15. Yeah - and I have news for everyone still talking up last season's Lakers team - when you get swept, the series wasn't close.
  16. Lumping Sochan in with these two is ridiculous. This is all from this season. Worst-case scenario Jeremy is a rotation player for 10-12 years in the NBA. WORST case. And in one season he took huge strides both from 3 and from the FT line.
  17. If LeBron was 8 years younger LA would have a shot in this series.
  18. "Who's coming in 2nd?" - Scottie "Larry Bird" Scheffler
  19. Did that bitch just call her handle a handlebar?
  20. Morton fucking dealing on our ass...
  21. Nate is keeping us in this. Need to get some decent relief and find some runs. That works. Now we rake? @shadow_operative2.0
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