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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. The Head Ref is the dickhead Ref who wore the a white Hat in the 2015Okie State game where the checks cleared before the game and they were all in for Okie State.
  2. The repeat of the game with App State is on ESPNU right now. This is almost as enjoyable to rewatch as the ass whopping we put on OU last season.
  3. Another Longhorn Legend gone. RIP and Hook’em.
  4. https://x.com/billyliucci/status/1692703442714669239?s=61&t=6-iXhrrYFGqOWClYC23GSA
  5. It will hit Houston. Trust me as a resident in the Corpus area for now 30 years. These models week out show us getting rain or direct hits from a coastal system and they almost always shift north. If the models would've been correct a week out. We should've been a direct hit by Ike in 2008 and Rita in 2005. I fully expect nothing next week down here. I'd gladly run around naked in the my back yard in the wind driven rain if I'm wrong.
  6. I bet next season we will have to adjust the band setups for both the Home and visiting bands, IE the visiting band will be moved down from the nosebleed section. The SEC supposedly has a set of rules governing this.
  7. Catching up on some threads and saw this one. Wishing all you Surlys a speedy recovery if you are battling this. Also if you have loved one who are as well. My wife just finished three months of chemo last Thursday. We go back up to MD Anderson on the 8th of Sept for surgery and reconstructive work thereafter. I can’t emphasize enough how wonderful MD Anderson is. Then I got word on Monday my best friend and best man has Testicular cancer. That was from left field because he’s 51 and usually that type of cancer is reserved for younger men. They discovered it last week and has surgery today. Docs were that concerned. That’s two people close to my heart with this crap and I keep telling myself I need to do better with diet and exercise. But I don’t. I need to fricken wake-up.
  8. Honestly I would go with hot and dry for another month to get us past peak hurricane season for Texas. Our insurance rates are already bat shit crazy right now. Any type of storm even with relatively mild damage would give the insurance companies an excuse to go even more bat shit crazy with rates next year
  9. All your palms belongs to us.... er Amazon https://one.amazon.com/how-it-works
  10. So the little disclosure on our printed money that states " This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" is becoming less applicable? I do find it interesting though because many of the Circle Ks , etc are now offering up the 10 cents per gallon discount for using cash. And some Mom and Pop establishments are doing the same to avoid having to pay the banks a percentage of their sales for debt and credit card transactions.
  11. Starbucks started all this tip at the registrar crap. All these soccer moms needing their afternoon fix leaving $5 tips for a $4.95 brew worked. So others joined in and it's out of control.
  12. The ones that wear the Jordache looking jeans from the 80's?
  13. But makes great football watching weather.
  14. And now more pics of Ferns and not the tall trees.
  15. The upside with this El Nino, the so called weather experts and the Farmers Almanac agree we should have a wet/cold winter. Slow soaking rains will do good for the Hill Country watersheds and aquafers. Rivers will be nice by spring and early summer next year.
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