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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Someone say something nice about Zach Collins because I can’t think of anything/
  2. Be glad you’re at the game. This announcing crew is nails on a chalkboard. I’d rather listen to screaming Spurs lady at full decibel level.
  3. This thread is going to give me so much pleasure for the rest of the season.
  4. I guess being Rob Schneider’s daughter is only the second most embarrassing thing about her now.
  5. Is Olympic Pool related to Jordan Poole?
  6. Terry Stotts is somewhere furiously masturbating in delirious glee. Clickbait. They ain’t got shit but an old dude, a mid-season trophy, and a hat full of dreams.
  7. Hopefully. Minutes restriction, pg project, playing Collins and Branham. But don’t you worry, the minutes restriction is about to go away. Allegedly.
  8. Rumor has it that when Wilt missed some of his NBA record 5805 free throws, Bill would whisper “ball don’t lie.”
  9. The play where Joel flopped to get two free throws even though he didn’t need to, then under review by the ref who likes to lick his taint upheld the call, was my favorite part of the game, and no I’m not bitter.
  10. Cowardly ass shit having Jeremy guard Embiid down the stretch with Wemby in the floor.
  11. Bagley took a charge on this play. He’s probably rethinking his life on the way to the floor.
  12. I guess with Zach back, Barlow is out of the rotation. Shame. Nice comeback win. Also, Branham might have played his way to the G League. A boy can dream.
  13. This game is setting basketball back decades. If anyone needs to see what Vic is working with, look no further although your eyes might start to bleed.
  14. Sam Presti is a goddamn witch. Hopefully he can keep them together this time.
  15. It’s just a minor setback in his career.
  16. I mean, some of these threes are wide open, but they’re burying every goddamn shot no matter the degree of difficulty. Pretty impressive.
  17. And just like that, Kermit fell in love.
  18. He’ll be reevaluated in two weeks. - Pop, two weeks in the future
  19. Since when do we rate players by what they would do in this era that era? You rate them by what they do in their own era, and Bill was one of the greatest to ever do it. Tim Duncan is the greatest player ever because he would absolutely destroy Bob Pettit in the 50’s. Also I just learned we should discount Kobe and Mike because they too had a great coach and played with HOF type players.
  20. Guys, I would trade Keldon Johnson for Derek Fisher right now. Absolutely incredible half for Wemby. Dude is amazing.
  21. Don’t look now guys, they’ve cut it to (checks score) 20!
  22. For those of you not watching (and you shouldn’t be), if one of you old, out of shape degenerates were to don jersey number three for the Spurs and attempt to play with professional athletes, none of us would be able to tell the difference. You might even be an improvement. The whole team has sucked ass, but what he’s doing on the court right now is embarrassing.
  23. One of those meth benders where you’re up for three days kind of hungover.
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