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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I think Thune would do a better job, but Barrasso would be downright terrible.
  2. For once, it seems like democrats benefit from a state not having term limits. while it seems like Texas will be saddled with idiots like Paxton, Patrick, and governor Wheelie for the end of time, Wisconsin is a state which doesn’t have term limits. I like the idea of Evers still owning the GOP in Wisconsin 5 years from now.
  3. I really fucking hated this guy during the Obama administration. He went out of his way to make Obama’s life hell for seemingly no good reason. He would even kill his own bills or bills he previously supported if Obama supported them. Preventing Obama from filling the hated Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat was highway robbery right in plain sight of millions of Americans. It’s disgusting and disappointing that McConnell never suffered any repercussions from this. The republicans prove they value party over country everytime they come to work, but they really showed everyone their true colors when they filled RBG’s seat very quickly after she passed. watching McConnell fail on Obamacare repeal will always be my favorite McConnell moment. Watching him give his speech to the president and the American people with egg on his face was priceless. We would always marvel at how effective Nancy pelosi was as house speaker. She make’s Republican house speakers look like total idiots with how effectively she runs the house. Begrudgingly. I’ll admit that McConnell was the senate version of pelosi. It seemed like he would always be the guy to push something through that needed to get done. That’s why it was so nice to watch him fail on Obamacare repeal. with that said, McConnell was rarely the voice of reason in Kentucky and in that small aspect he will be missed. When Beshear won his first governor race, Kentucky republicans were scrambling and running around like chickens with their heads cut off until Mitch spoke out and said “ look guys….. Beshear won. Get over it”. in 2020 redistricting, McConnell once again spoke out while Kentucky was crafting their map and said that the democrats “should receive a district”. Without the presence of McConnell, we might not have a democrat governor or a democrat house member because the rest of the Kentucky republicans are so bat shit crazy.
  4. I heard the chick he nailed and impregnated was 14. Good job pedo Tyler boobert.
  5. Supposedly the map has been passed and is on the way to the governor. I’m not expecting a 22-4 like we all wanted, but damn at least give us a 19-7 or 20-6 map.
  6. Was this the same boobert kid who called the cops because daddy was “throwing him around” the room and boobert herself picked up the phone and tried to diffuse the situation?
  7. Of course there’s a TX democrat party operative idiot in there telling us not to. I’ve been voting this way for 10 years. I think the point is to just vote against people you hate as much as possible. I vote against bathroom Dan, indictment Paxton, and hot wheels Abbott several times a cycle and I love doing it. They’re a joke.
  8. Connservatives will shrug it off and not care despite the fact that boobert is one of their own for another 10 months at least.
  9. What a joke. All the GOP voted for the map put forth by the committee. Tells you all that you need to know.
  10. Getting gross mental images of Rosemdale spanking and tapping that college kid ass.
  11. Would be funny if she started an only fans. If she does, one person here should bite the bullet, pay, and link everything to us on this thread.
  12. I’ll say it out loud ( on here anyway). As someone who frequently worries about overpopulation and do we have enough food / water / resources to go around? I was glad covid killed a lot of people. Look at the generations right after world war 2. Things were pretty prosperous for the most part. What was it that Americans had in the 1950’s-1990’s that they don’t have as much of anymore? Opportunity…….
  13. Has this cunt lost her primary yet?
  14. Thanks for compiling this. Would be nice to know if lots of these “work a holic” type folks who blamed the dems for the lockdowns have since flipped back after they got jobs and have working lives again.
  15. I usually just vote on the Republican side in the primary to give me another chance at voting against Patrick / Abbott / Paxton / Cruz before going full democrat in the fall. already got my vote in.
  16. These maps are good enough for Wisconsin. New York is where the dems really need to go deep.
  17. I’m taking that whole week off work and for the first ( and last) time in my life watching Fox News religiously. Oh yeah I also turn it over to Fox News when Republicans are losing elections.
  18. Sessions was an idiot. When he lost he said it was basically because of “ the success of the district” and a result of “ how well he did”. No dude….. you lost because your old, creepy, and out of touch. Would be awesome if we could take over one of the Montana, Idaho, or dakotas. Too many easy votes for the gop.
  19. Easier said than done. The story goes if you live in a rural part of the country and tell the local people you’re running for congress or a seat on the city council, first thing people ask is “which party?”. If it’s Republican, they give you a pat on the back or high five and say good luck ole boy. If it’s democrat, they frown and talk about how everything you’re running for is going against them in their lives and they probably won’t support you. people just aren’t open minded enough to look at the candidates and what they’re running for. It’s all about “the team”. Hell look at the race in Colorado house district 4 with Lauren boobert. 7 of the 10 candidates running on the GOP side have been arrested. Can your average person get a decent job or even a job at bucees with a criminal background? No……. But one of those 7 deadbeats will win the nomination and the house seat because to the rural folks it’s all about “ owning the libs”.
  20. Feels like Tester is the new Joe Manchin in a sense that once the dems lose him, the seat is likely gone forever. I’m not sure what the solution is long term. How many more terms could we expect from Tester? Peltola could try running for senate in Alaska? But I’d probably rather Peltola go the way of Don Young and stay in that seat for the next 40 years. seems like senate seats are scarcer for dems because the District of Columbia doesn’t have any while the GOP gets senate seats for really small states like Wyoming and north / South Dakota.
  21. Robin vos is a dirty piece of shit. I hope they go in as hard as possible on that idiot.
  22. It would be foolish to accept the commissions map. It seems like the commission is trying to give the dems as little as possible. Which when you look at what’s happening nationally, that’s not nearly enough. NC and Florida GOP went in dry and NY dems need to follow suit.
  23. This tweet tells you all you need to know. Repubs trying to throw dems a crumb and keep most of the cookie. Dems need to be aggressive here. Repubs didn’t offer nearly as much as they should’ve given the circumstances. NY gop needed to try and cut their losses by putting up a 19-6 map and hoping the dems would go easy on them a little bit, but this one is way to soft / mild / doesn’t cut deep enough.
  24. I wish we could recruit some low life’s from Dallas or Houston with nothing to lose to go to his church and rough him up.
  25. Nevada and Georgia are trending our way. Don’t think it’s able to be stopped or reversible in anyway either. Thank god for that too because the same trends have put Ohio, Florida, and Iowa pretty much totally out of reach for the dems.
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