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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. Governor cripple can’t do anything until 2023. Texas only has a legislative session every other year.
  2. Unfortunately I think he’s been listening to hot wheels and getting his shots so his case isn’t serious.
  3. You guys are slipping. New Mexico. Maryland.California have all finalized maps recently without the great analysis from folks on here.
  4. I keep anxiously waiting for my Mitch McConnell and Clarence Thomas have passed threads. Might be a long wait.
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/01/politics/stacey-abrams-georgia-governor-race/index.html Abrams running again for governor of Georgia. It should help Warnock win re-election since Abrams has proven she can get out the vote in Georgia like nobody else can.
  6. Most trumpers are too dumb to know what’s really going on. They just scream MAGA and call it a day.
  7. Any significant updates on redistricting?
  8. Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Mexico will all eventually legalize and most Texans will be able to drive to those states or Mexico and buy product.
  9. It should be legal in all 50 states by 2030 at the latest. However, look up the age and cannabis record of both Pete sessions and John Cornyn. Unfortunately they are both in their 60’s and have kept legalization down in the US house and Senate while representing Texas.
  10. Normally, I’d be celebrating this news, but after what I saw in both Virginia and New Jersey last week, will it even matter? we gotta work on improving this shitty ass political environment first.
  11. More bad news : https://www.syracuse.com/politics/2021/11/see-2021-election-results-for-new-york-state-propositions.html ballot initiatives to make voting easier and make the redistricting process easier in New York were defeated last night. In New York, really? being a democrat can be painful sometimes. I thought those initiatives would pass easily in a deep blue state.
  12. Man…. I don’t know how we could possibly go from an extremely low 4 democrats in that state to maybe just 2? democrats still get about 43-44% of the vote statewide in Ohio. That is ridiculous.
  13. Midterm electorates are typically always older and whiter.
  14. I don’t blame Biden for it personally, but my situational awareness is better than your average person, but most voters are blaming the high gas prices, high grocery / food prices, and supply chain issues on president Biden. I think these problems would be just as bad or most likely even worse if president Trump was still in office and for some reason I doubt he would be blamed for the same shit.
  15. Results tonight are disgusting. all we can really do is do our best in redistricting and hope the virus goes away and the economy improves before people vote next year.
  16. Need that idiot mcauliffe to win because if Youngkin wins, the gop will try to use this playbook in races all over the country.
  17. Hearing Illinois fixed their gerrymander and made it much tougher for the GOP to break thru.
  18. Good lord. What a truly backwards and fucked up state. The rest of the world is trending towards legalization and we’re worried about delta 8? I hope Oklahoma goes full recreation asap. Bathroom Dan and hot wheels Abbott would hate it.
  19. North Carolina should be at least 9-5 Republican. Gtfo NC GOP.
  20. Hearing about some bullshit in North Carolina where republicans are already coming out with 11 republicans - 3 democrat proposals for North Carolina. I don’t think they can get away with it because the state is so close on a partisan level and the democrats still narrowly control the state Supreme Court.
  21. How is it in danger? The legislature failed to ban it this year.
  22. Trump filled his cabinet with a bunch of racist black people haters who didn’t want to give up the racial implications of keeping marijuana illegal. sick people like Jeff sessions, Steve bannon, and Stephen miller.
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